November 21, 2007

350 to 400 Bohemian Waxwings near Gannon’s Narrows. Location: The birds were on the tops of large trees along Myers Crescent. Myers Crescent is a short loop road off Kinsale Road which connects with Lakehurst Road about 100 metres south of the Gannon’s Narrows bridge. Observer: Bryan Wyatt, Guelph

November 19, 2007

An employee of the Peterborough Centennial Museum is quite confident he saw a Great Gray Owl sitting on a lamp post in east city (Peterborough). (This would be the first Great Gray reported in central Ontario this fall that I’m aware of. – D.M.) Location: Ashburnham Road (between the Liftlock Read more…

November 18, 2007

“Yesterday, I drained our rainwater barrel and suddenly a male Pine Grosbeak and two females landed a foot away from me to drink the running rainwater!” Location: 17 km north of Norwood Observer: Horst Vauth

November 18, 2007

Pileated Woodpecker hopping from car to car in a parking lot and pecking at the front windshields (N.B. most likely seeing its reflection in the glass and assuming another Pileated had entered its feeding territory) Location: parking lot (directly adjacent to Jackson Creek) belonging to three-story apartment building between McDonnell Read more…

November 18, 2007

The finch forecast for this fall/winter is spot-on, judging by the visitors to feeders at Mount Julian this week. They include Pine Grosbeaks, Evening Grosbeaks, and Common Redpolls. Six Bohemian Waxwings foraging in a Red Cedar were present this morning. Pine Siskins and Purple Finches have been ABSENT for two Read more…

November 16, 2007

Many Lilacs, European Buckthorn and Siberian Elm, along with a few Norway Maple and Silver Maple, have not yet shed their leaves. This is a very late date for these trees to still have leaves. Location: Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

November 8, 2007

12 American Robins, 10 Golden-crowned Kinglets, Winter Moth, many fresh beaver cuttings Location: de Pencier Trail on east side of University Road at Trent University Observer: Drew Monkman; Jim Cashmore

November 8, 2007

Pileated Woodpecker at feeder (Note: There have been a number of Pileated Woodpecker sightings in the city in recent days, especially along Parkhill Road between Monaghan and Armour – D. Monkman) Location: Whitaker Street / Armour Road in Peterborough Observer: Gord Smith

November 3, 2007

14 Pine Grosbeak, 14 Bohemian Waxwing, 8 Evening Grosbeak, 100s of Common Redpolls, 30+ Snow Bunting, 1 Lapland Longspur, 10 Eastern Bluebirds, 2 American Pipits Location: north end of Dear Bay on Upper Buckhorn Lake Observer: Don Sutherland