November 18, 2007

The finch forecast for this fall/winter is spot-on, judging by the visitors to feeders at Mount Julian this week. They include Pine Grosbeaks, Evening Grosbeaks, and Common Redpolls. Six Bohemian Waxwings foraging in a Red Cedar were present this morning. Pine Siskins and Purple Finches have been ABSENT for two Read more…

November 18, 2007

Pileated Woodpecker hopping from car to car in a parking lot and pecking at the front windshields (N.B. most likely seeing its reflection in the glass and assuming another Pileated had entered its feeding territory) Location: parking lot (directly adjacent to Jackson Creek) belonging to three-story apartment building between McDonnell Read more…

November 18, 2007

“Yesterday, I drained our rainwater barrel and suddenly a male Pine Grosbeak and two females landed a foot away from me to drink the running rainwater!” Location: 17 km north of Norwood Observer: Horst Vauth