April 1, 2008

” Last weekend, a flock of Bohemian Waxwings landed in a flowering crab tree we have in our yard and enjoyed the leftover apples. It was quite a sight. There had to have been about 20.” Location: Peterborough Observer: Glenis Burnie

April 1, 2008

I had a Cackling Goose at Mather’s Corners today amongst the 100+ Canada’s, 4 Black Ducks and 7 Mallards. Location: Mather’s Corners on County Road 2, west of Keene Observer: Anne Anthony

April 1, 2008

Yesterday morning, while walking my dog between Beavermead and Rogers Cove, I counted 12 Great Blue Herons along the shoreline. I’ve only ever spotted a single heron or pairs before, never such a large group in one place Most interesting was that they appeared to be ‘attacking’ smaller water birds. Read more…

April 1, 2008

I observed several robins, today, eating Staghorn Sumac berries. This is considered a sort of last resort survival food, given their rather scant nutritive value. However, with snow still covering 80% of the ground, there is little other food. Today saw the first double digit mild conditions in over a Read more…