April 13, 2008

This morning at about 9:35, a large Snow Goose of the blue morph flew into the flooded field at Mather’s Corners with a group of about 20 Canada Geese. It was still there 10 minutes later when I left that location. Location: Keene area Observer: Bill Crins

April 13, 2008

During an hour-long walk at Petroglyphs PP this morning, we heard Golden-crowned Kinglet (3), Brown Creeper (2), Red-breasted Nuthatch (4), Winter Wren (3), Hermit Thrush (2) and Eastern Phoebe (1), all singing. Except for a few open patches on south-facing slopes, lots of snow (20-60 cm

April 13, 2008

I heard Chorus Frogs calling this afternoon in a shrub swamp about 1 km north of the Trent University science complex, just east of the rail trail leading to Lakefield. Location: Trent University Observer: Mike McMurtry