May 9, 2008

New migrants were evident in small numbers on each of the last two mornings. All sightings were around our home at Mt. Julian. May 8: Least Flycatcher (2), Blue-headed Vireo (1), Ovenbird (3), Nashville Warbler (3), Chestnut-sided Warbler (1), Palm Warbler (1), Yellow Warbler (1), Black-throated Green Warbler (4),Yellow-rumped Warbler Read more…

May 9, 2008

Today the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds returned. There are also many Baltimore Orioles being sighted in Youngstown subdivision in Ennismore. Our feeders are very busy at this moment. Location: Ennismore Observer: Marilyn Emery

May 9, 2008

We have had a Harris’ Sparrow at our feeder for the past three days. My field guides indicate that this sparrow winters in the central U.S. then migrates north to Manitoba/Saskatchewant. So, it would appear to be far east of its normal range. (Note: This is an extremely rare bird Read more…

May 9, 2008

An osprey.was found today – dead with a broken wing. Apparently, just before I got there, another osprey swooped down and flipped the carcass over. Aggresion? Affection? There were no overhead wires present. I also saw 4 eagles this week. They were quite high, circling and drifting north. Location: Stony Read more…