November 23, 2008

Close to 100 Northern Cardinals were seen feeding together on wild fruit along the rail-trail located just north of Crawford Drive in the south end of the city. It is common for this species to form flocks in the winter, but 100 is an unusually large number. Location: Crawford Drive Read more…

November 23, 2008

For the past several days, we have had an Eastern Towhee at our feeders in Millbrook Seems a little late for it to still be hanging around. This bird seemed to show up at the same time as the many American Tree Sparrows that are now keeping our feeders hopping. Read more…

November 23, 2008

This morning we had a Northern Flicker (see Nov. 19) at our feeder on Gilmour St. It must be its sixth or seventh year of wintering here (assuming it is the same one, a male). We also have a White-throated Sparrow coming to the feeder along with the 10 or Read more…