November 30, 2008

While walking the dogs in Petroglyphs Provincial Park, we observed several small flocks of White-winged Crossbills (totally ~50 birds), a few Pine Siskins, and 3 Red Crossbills near the park entrance kiosk. Reasonable numbers of Red-breasted Nuthatches and Golden-crowned Kinglets and a few Brown Creepers were also heard/observed. Location: Petroglyphs Read more…

November 30, 2008

Today, we had a sickly-looking male Brown-headed Cowbird at the feeder. Its feathers were a bit messed up and it seemed it couldn’t fly very well. We also had a small flock (~10) of Bohemian Waxwings fly over the house heading south. Location: Young’s Pt. Road, Lakefield Observer: Myles Falconer