April 30, 2009

Today I saw a Red-bellied Woodpecker on Geraldine Avenue in Peterborough. At the Trent Nature Area on the canal side, there were Spotted sandpiper (1), Fox sparrow (2), Palm warbler (5), Yellow-rumped warbler (10) and Pied-billed grebe (3). They were 15 feet away from me! Location: Peterborough and Trent Nature Read more…

April 30, 2009

At least two and possibly three American Bitterns and two Soras were very vocal at Millers Creek (7th line of Smith-Ennismore, 1 km east of Bridgenorth) this morning (5:45 to 6:15 a.m.). Also a single Virginia Rail was calling from the Lakefield Marsh at 7:15 a.m. A Warbling Vireo was Read more…