September 27, 2009

Today, we saw our first Snapping Turtle hatchling of the year. It may have been from a clutch that we saw deposited in our gravel driveway on June 19, though it was raided by (presumably) a raccoon. We protected what was left (which wasn’t much) with some wire netting over Read more…

September 20, 2009

We trapped a live Opossum in Peterborough this month at Milltown Mini Golf behind the Swiss Chalet on Lansdowne Street. We had the trap set to catch skunks and we cought the Opossum instead. I let it go where we trapped it because they don’t seem to be a threat Read more…

September 19, 2009

According to climatologist Dave Philllips of Environment Canada, the 19-day dry spell we have just had has been the driest September period on record for Peterborough. He also said that the past summer was only a degree cooler than normal and that rain was only 5% more than usual. Location: Read more…

September 15, 2009

The foxes have returned to the fairways of the Peterborough Golf and Country Club after an eight to ten week absence. They are resplendent in their developing Fall coats and look fit to take on the coming change of season. We watched one as it stalked some black squirrels that Read more…

September 15, 2009

Late afternoon in our yard at Sawmill Road a gaggle of five Ruffed Grouse (greys), presumably a fully grown young brood, casually and calmly ambling across the short grass for a few minutes before the one in the vanguard scuttled off into the sedge and longer grasses to be followed Read more…

September 14, 2009

There must have been considerable migration overnight because a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, four Purple Finch, four White-throated Sparrows, a Tennesee Warbler, and two Magnolia Warblers, turned up in our yard this morning. Location: Maple Cr, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

September 12, 2009

Bird contact calls in the night sky were very noticeable this evening at about 10:00 p.m. There were obviously a lot of migrants passing overhead. Location: Maple Cr, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman