November 22, 2009

Activity of at our feeder has hit the annual November doldrums. Apart from the chickadees, all I’m seeing is half a dozen juncoes, a pair of Blue Jays, a Downy Woodpecker, a Red-breasted Nuthatch, and two or three American Goldfinch. On Friday, a Cooper’s Hawk made a brief appearance Location: Read more…

November 21, 2009

I saw my first Bald Eagle of the season today. It lumbered down the centre of the main body of Lower Stony Lake. We also have a flock of Evening Grosbeaks feeding on the stags of the sumacs. Location: Stony Lake Observer: Rob Welsh

November 12, 2009

Today, there is a single Snow Goose hanging out with a large group of Canada Geese immediately above Lock 23 on the Otonabee River between Trent and Lakefield. Location: Otonabee River Observer: Colin Jones