December 24, 2009
A Red-bellied Woodpecker has been a regular visitor to our suet hanging on Dec.23 and 24th. Location: 2 miles east of Keene Observer: Michael Gillespie
December 23, 2009
Today at 1:10 p.m. we saw an adult Bald Eagle soaring over the Otonabee River near the Trent University rowing club. Location: Trent University Observer: Jennifer Budgell and Luke and Noah Berg
December 22, 2009
A Red-bellied Woodpecker that was visiting my feeder here in Warsaw in November has shown up again. We include corn in our feed and it seems to prefer that to anything else. Location: Warsaw Observer: Maureen Smith
December 21, 2009
Another drama is unfolding on the south shore in Hamilton Bay. A number of deer (6-8) ran out on the ice and then hit a large patch of late freezing perfectly smooth ice. They seem unable to get back on their hooves. The ice is questionable or I’d slide them Read more…
December 21, 2009
This afternoon at 2:50 PM we saw a juvenile Golden Eagle flying SW over the Trent Nature Area (parking lot side)! Location: Trent Nature Area Observer: Luke Berg and Jennifer Budgell
December 20, 2009
Peterborough Christmas Bird Count Highlights: A total of 51 species was found, plus 2 count period birds so far. New species
December 19, 2009
A deer carcass at Boschink Narrows had 4 coyotes, 3 eagles and a whole host of ravens and crows on it today. Location: Stony Lake Observer: Rob Welsh
December 15, 2009
Today, we had a pair of Hooded Mergansers on the Indian River near 395 Sawmill Road, just north of the Warsaw Caves. We do have them in the spring and throughout the summer with their young, but they usually don’t linger this late in the fall. Location: Warsaw Observer: Jane Read more…
December 14, 2009
Today there are two Common Loons trapped in a very small area of open water near the centre of Stony Lake. Two Bald Eagles are on the ice edge and are repeatedly trying to catch them. The loons quickly dive but I expect this will end badly for the loons. Read more…
December 11, 2009
While in the Co-Op in Grafton a gentleman was discussing the sighting of a Cougar in the yard of a neighbour on Lyle St. Location: Grafton (east of Cobourg) Observer: reported by Steven Watson
Dates of Christmas Bird Counts
The dates for the two local Christmas Bird Counts are Sunday, December 20th, Peterborough CBC, and Sunday, December 27th, Petroglyphs CBC. I would ask participants to let me know as soon as possible if they are available for either or both. As usual the compilations will be at Kelsey