February 28, 2010

Just an update on birds at my feeders. The Cooper’s Hawk continues to harass my regulars, particularly the Mourning Doves. I have seen him chase them but have not seen him catch anything. I have American Robins from time to time and the Fox Sparrow continues to visit. Location: 1338 Read more…

February 28, 2010

This morning, I spotted two River Otters out on Buckhorn Lake. Looks like they may have been fishing near an unfrozen section of the causeway near Buckhorn village when a Common Raven arrived. One of the otters spent a few minutes shooing the raven away, who seemed very interested in Read more…

February 25, 2010

Using a trail video camera, Janet Flint was able to record a pack of three Coyotes making a nocturnal visit to her cottage property on Chemong Lake. She could hear them at times but never really thought that they would be on the property. She also has a Black-capped Chickadee Read more…

February 21, 2010

Pre-nesting activity has begun at the House Sparrow nesting box in our backyard. We observed the female sparrow this morning “cleaning house.” She was taking “beakfulls” of old nesting material from the nest, and then flying up to a nearby branch where she would drop the bits of grass and Read more…

February 17, 2010

This evening, I saw a Red Fox crossing Nassau Mills Rd. while I was coming home from the Trent pool. I spotted it at 8:33p.m. Location: Nassau Mills Road, Trent University Observer: Myranda Hawthorne

February 14, 2010

Four Wild Turkeys emerged from our neighbour’s backyard and slowly made their way along the frozen shore before venturing out across the open ice, first to a tiny island some 300 metres away, and from there on to the other side of the lake. A bizarre sight! Location: Buckhorn Lake, Read more…

February 14, 2010

Early this morning I was walking on McNamara Road south of the city when I encountered a large flock of Snow Buntings. They wheeled and soared over the field putting on quite a show. When they landed on the snow-covered ground they seemed to disappear all together. They would then Read more…

February 7, 2010

Today, my wife and I saw a Northern Hawk Owl behind house no. 232 in Bailieboro on County Road 28. Later in the afternoon, it was perched on a telephone wire just north of the village. Location: Bailieboro, ON Observer: Drew Monkman