March 31, 2010
Today at 8:00 the Trent Nature Area along the canal, there were 1 Tree Swallow, 2 American Wigeons and 1 Great Blue Heron. Location: Peterborough Observer: Luke Berg
Today at 8:00 the Trent Nature Area along the canal, there were 1 Tree Swallow, 2 American Wigeons and 1 Great Blue Heron. Location: Peterborough Observer: Luke Berg
This morning, there were two Fox Sparrows, at least one of which was singing, near the viewing tower at the Lakefield Marsh. Location: Lakefield Observer: Colin Jones
Last night, in the flooded fields at the southern edge of Lakefield, a few Chorus Frogs were calling. Location: Lakefield Observer: Colin Jones
I just got back from walking my dogs in the Trent Nature Area (canal side) and saw a Northern Mockingbird. Location: Peterborougn Observer: Luke Berg
Just after 8:00 a.m. this morning I watched a flock of Wild Turkey browsing in a field off of Driscoll Road in the city
This morning, in the fields at the southern edge of Lakefield, there were three Eastern Meadowlarks singing. Location: Lakefield Observer: Colin Jones
Today, I saw a group of 5 Tundra Swans on Chemong Lake on the Ennismore side of the causeway. Location: Chemong Lake Observer: Colin Jones
This morning, my son Shan and I saw a Milbert’s Tortoiseshell at the Lakefield Sewage Ponds. There were also 20 Ring-billed Gulls. Location: Lakefield Observer: Colin Jones
Today, my kids and I took advantage of the beautiful weather and headed up to Petroglyphs Provincial Park and had the following of note: Killdeer – one flying overhead; calling Brown Creeper – at least 6 in song along the main road; Red Crossbill – one calling in flight; Compton Read more…
This morning, a Song Sparrow was singing near the viewing tower at the Lakefield Marsh. Also, about 25 Red-winged Blackbirds were scattered throughout the marsh singing. The same number were also present on Friday (up from the 2 seen on Thursday). Location: Lakefield Observer: Colin Jones
Today I saw about a dozen Common Grackles in several small flocks. Location: Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
We had a Common Grackle at our feeder in southeast Peterborough this morning. (Note: Colin Jones also reported a grackle today from Lakefield. Temperatures today reached 14 C.) Location: Peterborough Observer: Vic Henderson
At 9:00 am this morning I saw two male Red-winged Blackbirds taking up their posts on the cattails in the Lakefield Marsh. A pair of Merlin was flying around the campsite with the male calling. A Killdeer flew overhead, also vocal. Four male and one female Hooded Mergansers, and a Read more…
Today, I was in the upper parking lot of St. John’s Anglican Church on Brock St and noticed that a picnic table below a tree was covered with wood chips and up the tree was a Pileated Woodpecker. He had removed the bark for about 12 inches up the limb Read more…
A lone, adult Ring-billed Gull was flying above Edmison Heights School this afternoon. It is the first I’ve seen this “pre-spring.” Location: Marina Blvd, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
I heard my first Mourning Dove of the year calling this morning. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
Today, I saw a lone Sandhill Crane land right near the junction of the Old Keene Rd. (Cty Rd.#8) and County Road #2. It never made a sound, but it was neat to watch it glide in for a landing. Location: Keene Observer: Rick Stankiewicz
Birding conditions are excellent at Presqu’ile Provincial Park these days, with open water in much of Presqu’ile Bay as far inland as the calf pasture. There are several vantage points along Bayshore Road from which concentrations of waterfowl may be observed with minimal disturbance to the birds. Judging from the Read more…
Since Christmas I have had almost daily visits of a male Pileated Woodpecker to the suet in my yard. I live in a country setting with bush on either side. Location: Woodville Observer: Ann Boyd
Today, on Nassau Road in Peterborough, there were 100 Bohemian Waxwings. The Merlins are back at my house (near Inverlea Park), too. Location: Peterborough Observer: Luke Berg