April 11, 2010

Lori and I walked the dogs in Petroglyphs Provincial Park at around mid-day today, It was a cool start (@5C), but was getting warm by the time we returned to the car. The highlight was two Pine Warblers singing near the park gate at Northey

April 11, 2010

There was a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks in the trees above our house today at noon. We’re located on Fireroute 40 near 6 Foot Bay Resort. They are the first I’ve seen here. Merlins come and go regularly. Also, I had a single sandhill crane flying over the Gannon Narrows Read more…

April 11, 2010

On Sunday, April 11, about 30 people took part in the first PFN Sunday Morning Bird Walk of the spring. We first of all went to the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary where we saw and/or heard a good variety of species including Ring-necked Duck, Eastern Phoebe, Turkey Vulture, Northern Harrier, American Read more…