January 29, 2011

Two Northern Cardinals were in full voice this morning, inspired no doubt by the bright sunshine and relatively mild temperatures. Chickadees, too, were singing enthusiastically. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

January 29, 2011

Thought you would like to know that we saw an absolutely beautiful Bald Eagle this morning. It was flying south over the Otonabee towards Peterborough. We have seen them here before – very exciting! Location: River Road South, Peterborough Observer: Anne Worrall

January 21, 2011

I just came home from work to find a Northern Goshawk devouring what appears to be a Mallard just at the edge of the river here in Warsaw. Very exciting.. I was able to get a little bit of video footage of it. Location: Warsaw, Ontario Observer: Maureen Smith

January 21, 2011

There were 12-15 Bohemian Waxwings in our backyard at Lock 19 today, plus on the river a Pied-billed Grebe, a Common Goldeneye and 3 Black Ducks with the Mallards. A couple of days ago a Bald Eagle flew over heading North along the river. Location: Lock 19, Otonabee River, Peterborough Read more…

January 21, 2011

I have both a male and female Red-bellied Woodpecker coming to my feeder. Perhaps it augers well for a spring nesting. Co-incidentally, both my brother in Port Hope and my friend in Warkworth, have female Red-bellieds at their feeders, too. Location: Keene, Ontario Observer: Michael Gillespie

January 21, 2011

Yesterday, I was birding with my dad on Amherst Island..Here is a species list: ON THE FERRY: American coot 1, Canada goose 2,Mallard 4, ON THE DRIVE TO OWL WOODS: Sharp-shinned hawk 1, Cooper’s hawk ?, American starling 50+, Snow bunting 30, Mourning dove 50+, Rock pigeon 30, White-crowned sparrow Read more…

January 19, 2011

There is a Northern Cardinal singing (first of the year, for me) this morning (0720h) in our backyard on John Street in the Avenues area of downtown Peterborough. (N.B. I heard a cardinal singing in late December of 2010 on Maple Crescent. Apparently they’ve been known to sing every month Read more…

January 17, 2011

Last winter, we had a Red-bellied Woodpecker, a male, who stayed all winter and left in the spring. This year we have a female Red-bellied. Location: The Glen [Westview Dr.] near Pigeon Lake Observer: Blair Hamilton

January 15, 2011

I had an adult Cooper’s Hawk in the yard today. It perched on our fence and proceeded to pick apart and devour a small bird it had caught. Location: Montcalm Drive, Peterborough Observer: Margo Hughes

January 11, 2011

A Red Bellied Woodpecker has been frequenting our feeder for a few days. I also saw a Snowy Owl today. This is the 2nd one this winter. Just before Christmas there was a Cormorant in some open water in front of our neighbours home. We watched it one day as Read more…

January 6, 2011

One afternoon during the Christmas holidays, we noticed a robin-like bird land in the yard. It was about the same size as a robin, with a black head and beak, an orange breast, and a distinctive black V on the chest. It was a Varied Thrush. It drops by at Read more…

January 3, 2011

A Bald Eagle was sited at Upper Buckhorn near the Buckhorn Yacht Harbour. The bird was on the ice and very close to open water. It appeared through the binoculars that he was feasting on a fish. Magnificent bird! Location: Buckhorn Lake Observer: Derry Fairweather

January 1, 2011

Terrible weather conditions of incessant rain and thick fog did not deter 22 hardy birders from attending today`s OFO (Ontario Field Ornithologists) trip in the Peterborough area. Despite the weather, there were some good sightings : 30 Bohemian Waxwings close to Lakefield College in Lakefield; 100 + Snow Buntings on Read more…

January 1, 2011

Over the last week at Little Lake, I’ve seen 1 Bald Eagle, 1 Glaucous Gull, 1 Greater Black-backed Gull, 30 American Robins, 6 Common Mergansers, and 20 Common Goldeneyes. Location: Little Lake Observer: Randy Smith