March 31, 2011
At 6:02 a.m. a Common Loon announced his arrival on Buckhorn Lake. It’s probably the single one who always arrives first. A Great Blue Heron flew in yesterday, too. Since the ice started breaking up, we’ve seen several Common and Hooded Mergansers, Buffleheads and 2 Ring-necked Ducks. Location: Buckhorn Observer: Read more…
March 31, 2011
This morning I saw the same Wild Turkeys as Tony (March 30) displaying in the corn field at Parkhill Rd and Ackison Rd. There were about three males and six or seven females. The males all had their tail feathers spread out widely. Location: Observer:
March 31, 2011
This morning, there was a single White-throated Sparrow in my backyard in Lakefield. Location: Lakefield Observer: Colin Jones
March 31, 2011
On our way home from work at approximately 4:30 p.m. my husband & I spotted 2 Sandhill Cranes feeding in a field just west of Douro 2nd line on the south side of Cty Rd 4. A little bit further towards Warsaw a Northern Harrier was hunting low over the Read more…
March 30, 2011
We are on the north shore of Sturgeon Lake. Saw a pair of Bald Eagles in a tree on Muskrat Island all day yesterday (Mar 29,2011). I have never seen Bald Eagles here before. Location: Sturgeon Lake Observer: Dennis Callan
March 30, 2011
Taking advantage of the nice weather for a change I walked the rail trail between Villiers Line and Cameron Line. I heard five Ruffed Grouse drumming and one Killdeer flying over. A creek runs alongside the trail for most of the distance. At one point I saw a large dark Read more…
March 28, 2011
Today, I saw a Northern Harrier fly over a field north of Cty Rd 2 and Cty Rd 35. Location: Mather’s Corners Observer: Rick Stankiewicz
March 25, 2011
Turkey Vultures have been flying low over Aberdeen Ave. at Bethune for the last few days at around 4-6 p.m. Last night there were 22 of them! They have been making a kind of chirping sound. Location: Aberdeen Ave. Observer: reported to Anria Loubser
March 23, 2011
Both on Monday, the 21st, and this morning, my friend and I spotted three Eastern Bluebirds along the roadside by Six Foot Bay Golf Course (west of Buckhorn). There are some bluebird boxes near there, so I expect they are returning birds. Location: Buckhorn, Ontario Observer: Toni Sinclair
March 22, 2011
Today 13+ Turkey Vultures circled over Stony Lake. They were very high and gradually moving north. Location: Boshink Narrows, Stony Lake Observer: Rob Welsh
March 20, 2011
Today, I saw and photographed a pair of Trumpeter Swans on the Otonabee River at Lock 23 (between Lakefield and Trent University). Location: Otonabee River Observer: Colin Jones
March 20, 2011
There was an Osprey sighted near Perrytown north of Port Hope today. Location: Port Hope Observer: Paul Jones
March 18, 2011
Driving east on Highway 7 at dawn at the Madoc exit, I saw two Great Blue Herons flying west. What a wonderful sight. Location: Madoc Observer: Joanne O
March 18, 2011
A quick check of the pond at Mathers Corners produced very few birds, but there was 1 Northern Pintail, 1 Northern Shoveler and 1 Ring-necked Duck. (best viewed from Drummond Line south of Cty. Rd. 2) The heronry at the south end of Drummond Line had 4 herons on nests Read more…
March 18, 2011
This week we were “flocked” by Common Redpolls. We have lived here since 2005 and this is the first time we’ve seen them here. As of last weekend, we also sighted (in our backyard) the first robins, grackles, red winged blackbirds of the season. Location: Sturgeon Lake Observer: Susan Staniforth
March 18, 2011
Although they are common, I haven’t heard any mention of these new arrivals so I thought some might be interested to know they are around. North of Rice Lake, the fields have had Killdeer in them for the past few days. As well, a Kestrel showed up in Assumption (Old Read more…
March 16, 2011
This morning behind the house (Westbrook Drive) at 10:50 a.m. Kathy found a flock of about 40 Cedar Waxwings in the tops of the trees. Yesterday Martin observed one Common Grackle at Young’s Point, and Kathy had a couple near Fleming Campus. This morning several were in the Westbrook Drive Read more…
March 16, 2011
The Trumpeter Swans have returned! Very exciting. Let’s hope we’ll have some babies! Location: Kent’s Bay, Hiawatha Observer: Sharon Simkins
March 15, 2011
Today, my wife spotted our first American Robin of the “spring,” sitting on our neighbour’s deck railing. Location: Peterborough Observer: Don Finigan
March 15, 2011
I did not see, but heard, my first Red-winged Blackbird of the season when filling up my bird feeder this morning. I live about 10 kms past Flynn
March 15, 2011
Tonight I heard a Merlin screaming at the corner of Rogers and Sophia streets in East City, and yes, also I heard Red-winged Blackbirds at the university. Location: Peterborough Observer: Erica Nol
March 13, 2011
There was a bit of excitement in our front yard this afternoon. All at the same time, we saw a Red-bellied Woodpecker, a downy and a hairy, a Common Grackle and a flock of goldfinches.. The goldfinches have stayed around our feeder all winter..a first here. A couple of months Read more…
March 13, 2011
We saw a Bald Eagle on our neighbour’s property. It was perched in a tree for about a half hour, at about 9:00 am. We live on the east side of Omemee, south side of the road. Location: Omemee Observer: Trudie Kroon & Bruce Flemons
March 12, 2011
There was an Eastern Screech Owl calling at 8:30 p.m. on Ford Crescent, RR 1, Cavan. Location: Cavan Observer: Ken Rumble
March 11, 2011
Today, I saw a flock of about 18 Canada Geese flying over the north end of the city. I also saw a Raven in the same location. Location: Marina Blvd, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
March 10, 2011
There were also three Ring-necked Ducks today on the Otonabee River between the campground and the arena in Lakefield. Location: Lakefield Observer: Colin Jones
March 10, 2011
A pair of Hooded Mergansers were on the Otonabee River between Locks 23 and 24. The Red-necked Grebe was still present at the same location and kept chasing the mergansers when they approached too close. The grebe would dive and surface close to a mergasner then flutter across the water Read more…