June 29, 2011

We saw another Indigo Bunting this evening while walking the dog along the road directly south of the airport (Moncrief Line). It was sitting on a wire above the bridge, vocalizing its dual-noted song. Sherry Hambly Location: Moncrief Line Observer: Sherry Hambly

June 5, 2011

Sitting on the deck at the Silver Bean Cafe at Millenium Place in downtown Peterborough this morning, we enjoyed great Fair Trade coffee, along with the calls of Osprey, Yellow Warbler, Warbling Vireo, Baltimore Oriole, Eastern Kingbird, Chimney Swift, Barn Swallow, Belted Kingfisher, and Song Sparrow. Location: Peterborough Observer: Drew Read more…

June 5, 2011

I heard this very different bird call today..never heard it before. It was a Yellow-billed Cuckoo. It was in my backyard here in Kawartha Hideway, north shore of Buckhorn Lake. Is this a rare sighting? (Note: Yellow-billed Cuckoo is certainly far less common than Black-billed in Peterborough Co. and might Read more…

June 5, 2011

I saw a singing male Blue-grey Gnatcatcher on May 10 on River Rd (between Hope Mill Rd and David Fife Line) in Otonabee Township. I haven’t seen one this far north before and was wondering if they are regularly seen in the County. (Note: Gnatcatchers are in fact quite rare Read more…

June 3, 2011

This evening, a Common Nighthawk flew over a friend’s house in the west end of Peterborough. This is the first nighthawk I’ve seen in Peterborough this year. Location: Westbrook Drive Observer: Drew Monkman

June 3, 2011

During a three-day stay at Camp Kawartha, I observed the following species of interest: Eastern Towhee, Blackpoll Warbler (late migrant), Magnolia Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Field Sparrow, and Barred Owl. There were also many Canadian Tiger Swallowtail butterflies flying, along with thousands of Common Baskettail dragonflies. Some of the Read more…

June 2, 2011

We often walk our dog on the Hooten Road portion of Cavan swamp and this year I have discovered two hairy woodpecker nests along the road – both within 10 to 30 feet of the road – one in a dead aspen, the other in a dead tree (not sure Read more…

June 1, 2011

I walked a favourite small section of road in Duoro-Dummer Tsp today and counted 227 blooms of Northern Small Yellow Lady’s-slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin), The Showy Lady