October 9, 2011

I saw a small group (6) of Rusty Blackbirds on the Baseline to Settlers rail trail this morning. Other birds of interest seen were Yellow-rumped Warblers, Common Yellowthroat, Blue-headed Vireos (3), Eastern Phoebe, Gray Catbird, Green-winged Teal, Sharp-shinned Hawk, and Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Six species of butterly were still around – Read more…

October 9, 2011

Today I heard a Song Sparrow singing repeatedly along the Trans-Canada trail, west of Jackson Park. On Oct. 8, I had a late Monarch, along with two Merlins (calling repeatedly) at Munroe Island on Stony Lake. Location: Jackson Park, Peterborough; Stony Lake Observer: Drew Monkman