December 26, 2011
Early this afternoon, Sue Prentice & I saw (& photographed) an Ovenbird in the cedars at the north end of the pond in Jackson Park. Location: Jackson Park, Peterborough Observer: Andrew Jobes
December 18, 2011
Today, there were 3 Northern Shoveler’s – 2 females, 1 male at the Lakefield sewage lagoons. Location: Lakefield sewage lagoons. Observer: Tim Haan
December 18, 2011
For the third day in a row ( Dec.16,17,18) I have had 5 male Eastern Bluebirds hanging about my orchard. They are all healthy looking, although I’m sure they’re a little hungry. One has been spotted at the feeder. Location: south of County Rd. 2 on David Fife Line. Observer: Read more…
December 18, 2011
The Peterborough CBC was held on Sunday, December 18th in pleasantly warm weather for a change. 27 participants found 57 species, well above average but below our high of 62. New high counts (with previous highs) were: Cooper
December 15, 2011
Today, along the red trail at the Trent Nature Area on University Road (east side), I saw several flocks of American Robins, totalling at least 40 birds. Location: Trent Nature Area, University Road Observer: Drew Monkman
December 13, 2011
Today there was a Great Black-backed Gull on Little Lake, just opposite the old Mark Street wharf. Location: Little Lake Observer: Sean Smith
December 12, 2011
A female Long-tailed Duck was swimming off the north end of the Lakefield Marsh this morning. Location: Lakefield Marsh Observer: Tony Bigg
December 11, 2011
I saw a Northern Shrike today along the Trans-Canada Trail between Lily Lake and Ackison Road. On Dec. 13, I also saw and heard two American Robins on the same trail but in the sector between Ackison and Lily Lake Road. There is abundant wild grape this year. I also Read more…
December 10, 2011
This afternoon, there were at least two Cackling Geese in with nearly 450 Canadas on Little Lake. When first observed the geese were along the southwest side of the lake along the shore and adjacent lawn in the vicinity of the Peterborough Art Gallery. I also counted at least 800 Read more…
December 8, 2011
Today, one male Common Merganser and a pair of Hooded Mergansers were present on Little Lake on the east side of the cemetery. Yesterday, about 75 Bufflehead were at the sewage lagoon in Lakefield. I also had a small flock of Brown Creepers along the Trent to Lakefield rail-trail. Several Read more…
December 8, 2011
At around 4:30 pm today I saw a Merlin land and sit on top of a telephone pole located on the NE corner of the intersection of Spillsbury and Forster. I was able to get a picture of the bird. Location: Peterborough Observer: Sherry Hambly
December 4, 2011
My husband and I have just watched an Osprey dive and catch a fish here in Warsaw on the Indian River. Although a regular summer visitor we have not seen any since mid-Nov. Then quite unexpectedly one has shown up on the last two days. Location: Warsaw Observer: Maureen Smith
December 4, 2011
Eleven species of gulls were seen on today’s Peterborough Field Naturalists trip to the Niagara River. The outing was a great success in fine balmy weather and ideal viewing conditions. 1. Franklin’s Gull: one first winter bird on the Roosting Rocks between Adam Beck and the Butterfly Conservatory 2. Little Read more…
December 3, 2011
A second winter Glaucous Gull was sitting among Ring-billed Gulls and Herring Gulls on the dock by the Trent Rowing Club on the Otonabee River this morning, very close to the River Road. Location: Trent University Campus Observer: Tony Bigg