February 29, 2012

This morning, a Cooper’s Hawk was perched in a maple surveying the bird feeders but there was no activity and it left without catching anything. This morning around 7 when the doves were just starting to come down from the spruces they roost in, the hawk flew to the edge Read more…

February 28, 2012

This afternoon (0 C), I actually saw a robin pull a full-size earthworm out of the ground on the front lawn of a south-facing house. A first for February! I’ve noticed, too, that many of the crows I’m seeing these days are now perched together as pairs – presumably a Read more…

February 26, 2012

Robins continue to be very common in the city this winter. Today, I saw a flock of about 12 American Robins eating mountain-ash berries along Weller Street, west of Wallis Drive. Ring-billed Gulls have been fairly common throughout the city for most of the month, as well. Location: Weller Street Read more…

February 24, 2012

I had a Northern Flicker in my backyard again today. The crabapple tree was full of robins, starlings and cedar waxwings so it stayed on the ground in the garden digging for at least half an hour. I have also been hearing robins singing every morning since Feb. 18th. I Read more…

February 24, 2012

This morning, during the snowstorm, I heard my first House Finch of the year in full song. As during most snowstorms, there was a lot of activity at the feeder. I’m not sure what it is about snowstorms that brings the birds in to feed in greater numbers than usual. Read more…

February 22, 2012

Today, while walking along Westbrook Drive near the hospital, there were single American Robins calling every 100 feet or so, almost as if they were already staking out nesting territories. One was actually singing its heart out – something I’ve never heard before in February. The sunny, 5 C weather Read more…

February 19, 2012

The were seven Northern Pintails on the river north of the Lakefield Arena about 2:30 p.m. today. There were three males and 4 females. The number of Common Goldeneye on the Otonabee River in the area of Sawyer Creek (beween Lock 24 and Lakefield) is building. There were 30 this Read more…

February 19, 2012

We also saw 45 Cedar Waxwings on Heritage Line on Feb 16. There are two Northern Shrikes wintering on David Fife Line. One at River Road and another less than a kilometre from Highway 7. I had another one about 2 km west of Clarina on County Road 6 today. Read more…

February 18, 2012

This afternoon a flock of 2 dozen robins and 3 dozen starling showed up in the backyard and my territorial robin (see Feb. 9)was kept busy chasing any that tried to land in his tree.The snow is the least of his concerns. He was successful but he’ll be tired tonight! Read more…

February 17, 2012

It seems like it is becoming a habit, but I stopped by Little Lake today at lunch.. I viewed the gull flock from the south shore at a parking area on Crescent Street just west of the Little Lake Cemetery. There were even more gulls sitting on the ice and Read more…

February 9, 2012

Today, I was watching a robin feeding in my crabapple tree when a Northern Flicker flew in and starting eating fruit as well. This robin has been around all winter but in the last couple of weeks has been very territorial and has been chasing other birds if they landed Read more…

February 6, 2012

At lunch today, I checked out Little Lake. There were the most gulls I have seen this winter. I viewed from the south side of the lake. Herring Gull – ~600 mostly adults Ring-billed Gulls – 20 all adults Iceland Gull – 2 adult, 2 first winter Glaucous Gull – Read more…

February 5, 2012

Just a brief note to let you know that I think this winter is confusing the birds! This morning I saw 3 Eastern Bluebirds, 2 off which were quite interested in a box that nested a second brood late last summer! It was very nice to see them again -it Read more…

February 4, 2012

Today, I saw the two Trumpeter Swans that summered here near Hiawatha (Kent’s Bay) fly north up the Otonabee River. Wild Turkeys are everywhere in this area. Location: Kent’s Bay Road at Hiawatha Observer: Sharon Simpkins

February 4, 2012

Today, we had a pair of Eastern Bluebirds at our boxes. We were dumbfounded! But there they were…going from box to box. In the past, the earliest we’ve seen them is March 25th. I’ve also been watching a young River Otter in the little trout stream farther down our road, Read more…

February 3, 2012

This morning, at my house in Lakefield, there was a flock of about 50 Cedar Waxwings feeding in my crab tree. Currently, there is a larger flock (~75 birds) of Bohemian Waxwings in my neighbour’s yard. These are the first Bohemian Waxwings that I’ve seen personally this winter. Location: Lakefield Read more…

February 2, 2012

Today when my mom and I were walking our dogs in the Trent U Nature Area we saw about 20 Bohemian Waxwings and a small wren (either Winter or House). The wren was in the back southeast corner of the sanctuary in the maple swamp with the long boardwalk. Location: Read more…

February 2, 2012

Today on Little Lake in downtown Peterbrough there was a Horned Grebe, Common Merganser, many Common Goldeneyes, immature Lesser-Black-Backed and Great Black-backed gulls, and one adult Iceland Gull. Location: Little Lake Observer: Dave Milsom