March 30, 2012

When I got home from work this afternoon, there were two Hairy, one Downy, my first of season Northern Flicker, and to my suprise my first in yard female Red-bellied. A while later I heard, but did not see, a Pileated. Location: Cavan Observer: Scott McKinlay

March 30, 2012

Mitch Brownstein, Jim Cashmore and I also had the Barrow’s Goldeneye this morning at the south end of Asphodel 3rd Line (stay to left on Indian Road and follow to the small park and boat launch). It was still with several Common Goldeneyes about half-way across the lake. We also Read more…

March 29, 2012

I had the good fortune of checking a few spots this morning near Rice Lake and managed some good finds including 5 Canvasbacks off Herkimer Point; 2 Sandhill Cranes feeding in field off Birdsall Line; 1 Common Loon off Birdsall Wharf; 3 Trumpeter swans off Duncan’s Line (initially observed by Read more…

March 29, 2012

For the last 3 days a Trumpeter Swan has resided in the creek (once called Noyes’s Creek) between the Tollington Bridge at Beavermead Park and Armour Road. It is probably quite young because its neck still has a grey shade. The yellow spot on the face is not visible. It Read more…

March 29, 2012

Simon Dodsworth, Cathy Darevic and I just refound Scott’s Barrow’s Goldeneye at the same place he had it earlier. Definitely a Barrow’s! Location: Rice Lake Observer: Mike Burrell

March 28, 2012

With much cooler temperatures these last few days (-9 C the night of March 25) spring’s progression has slowed. Today I say several flocks of a dozen or so robins feeding on staghorn sumac berries and large flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds feeding in fields and roosting in bordering trees. Common Read more…

March 28, 2012

I had ticks on my clothes on March 19 in Prince Edward County. On the flipside I also saw four Blanding’s turtles. (Note from D.Monkman: I believe John is referring to the Black-legged Tick that causes Lyme disease. Don Sutherland of the Natural Heritage Information Centre in Peterborough says “Other Read more…

March 25, 2012

Today, Mary and I saw across from our house on Johnston Drive a pair of Northern Shovelers and about 8 Green winged Teal. Location: Johnston Drive, near Ptbo Airport Observer: Bryan Whitfield

March 24, 2012

I found a juvenile Five-lined Skink hiding under a rock in the Kawartha Highlands Signature Site, Mississauga Dam Road, north of Flynn’s Corner this morning. Location: Kawartha Highlands Observer: Heathyr Francis

March 23, 2012

Yesterday, in Algonquin Park, an Eastern Pine Elfin was seen and photographed at the Algonquin Visitor Centre. This record is simply amazing!!! (and scary!). Since all of the Toronto Entomologists

March 23, 2012

Tonight I went out to look for salamanders along Birchview and Camp Line roads. Frogs were: Spring Peepers everywhere, Chorus Frogs, Leopard Frogs, Green Frogs, Wood Frogs, and 1 American Toad. Salamanders were: Blue-spotted Salamander (30), and Spotted Salamander (12). There was an American Bittern calling along Camp Line road. Read more…

March 23, 2012

This morning, on my drive in to work, I had a very early American Bittern fly over me at Highway 28 and the Eels Creek picnic area. I guess it might be time to check your local bittern breeding areas to see if they’re back calling. Just south of this Read more…

March 23, 2012

I just saw a pair of Bald Eagles soar through Gannons Narrows. They were flying towards Jacobs Island and may be heading back to the nest they have at the Narrows. Location: Fothergill Isle Observer: Rose Rogers

March 23, 2012

At lunch today Colin Jones, Rob Craig, Simon Dodsworth and myself checked out the flooded field SE of Mather’s Corners. The white Snow Goose is still present along with good numbers of other waterfowl, particularly Northern Pintail. We also had good looks at 2 Cackling Geese here. The most interesting Read more…

March 23, 2012

Male Purple Finch on feeder. Two days later, a pair were on the feeder. The winter flocks of Pine Siskins and American Goldfinches are still here and continue to swarm the feeders. Location: Indian River on Sawmill Road near the Warsaw Caves Observer: Stephenie Armstrong

March 22, 2012

This evening, Jerry Ball and I spent a few hours looking for amphibians crossing roadways. We cruised Birchview Road east of Highway 28 south of Young’s Point eastward to Camp Road and then south to County Road 6. The diversity of speces was impressive — 4 species of salamanders and Read more…

March 22, 2012

Two crayfish (Rusty?) in the river. Two days later we also saw two engaged in a very protracted head to head wrestling match. They had more staying power than we did, so didn’t get to see who got the decision! Location: Indian River at Sawmill Road Observer: Stephenie Armstrong

March 22, 2012

Jocelyn and I saw an Osprey on a nest today. The nest is on a tripod nesting structure in the wetland to the north of the road linking Bobgaygeon and Dunsford, immediately east of Dunsford. I think it is part of Emily Creek. This is a full week earlier than Read more…

March 22, 2012

Last night, in the old fields south of the Lakefield Fairgrounds, we could hear a couple American Toads calling, over the chorus of Spring Peepers and Chorus Frogs. Location: Lakefield Observer: Carrie Sadowski

March 22, 2012

Today, with temperatures approaching 25 C, Forsythias in our neighbour’s yard were at peak bloom, the male catkins were past maturity and already falling from our Trembling Aspen, violets were blooming in the lawn and Tiger Lily leaves were about five inches tall! Weeping Willows are already a pastel green Read more…

March 22, 2012

On the evening of March 21, several Ameican Toads were calling faintly along Westbrook Drive in the western end of Peterborough. This evening, there was a strong chorus of three individuals calling a the top end of Westbrook Drive. Location: Westbrook Drive Observer: Martin Parker

March 21, 2012

This afternoon and evening I conducted surveys for calling frogs east of Peterborough and into adjacent Hastings and Northumberland Counties. I was primarily checking known sites for Western Chorus Frog (COSEWIC Threatened) based on records in the Ontario Herpetofaunal Summary database, but generally stopping at wetlands to listen for frogs. Read more…