March 17, 2012

This morning at about 9 a.m. I saw a flock of about 100 Wild Turkeys spread all over a field on the west side of Hwy 28 just south of the junction with Cty Rd 33. This evening I heard my first American Woodcock calling opposite the Camp Kawartha Ecology Read more…

March 17, 2012

The cornfield south of Mather’s Corners is again water-filled following the heavy rains of Thursday night. Present around 1130h this morning were a couple of hundred ducks, just over half of which were Mallards, but also present were Northern Pintail (16), Green-winged Teal (28), American Black Duck (10), American Wigeon Read more…

March 17, 2012

Today we saw an amazing 17 butterflies: 1 Compton’s Tortoiseshell, 1 Mourning Cloak and 18 Eastern Comma.Also of note in the area were several Pine Siskin flocks, about a dozen Brown Creepers in full song, and a flock of about a dozen Bohemian Waxwings. Location: Charlie Allen Road and Galway-Cavendish Read more…

March 17, 2012

An American Robin is busy building a nest above a door on my neighbour’s property. He also reports a Mourning Dove nest with eggs in it. He first discovered the nest and eggs on about March 12. Location: Observer: