March 18, 2012

On or about March 18 I found an engorged American Dog, or Wood, Tick in about 2 inches of water in my heated birdbath in the backyard. After taking it out, I found it still alive, and when I put it on a flat rock to photograph it, its proboscis Read more…

March 18, 2012

Chorus Frogs were singing loudly in the pannes of Presqu’ile Provincial Park on Sunday morning. Also noteworthy that day was the first Mourning Cloak butterfly that I’ve seen so far this year. Waterfowl are abundant in Presqu’ile Bay, with Redhead, Canvasback, Greater Scaup, Ring-necked Duck, Bufflehead and Common Goldeneye being Read more…

March 18, 2012

Today, while out and about, Dave and I saw two turtles basking in the sun in a wetland just east and north of the junction of Lakeview Road and Cty Road #2 south of Peterborough. Later in the afternoon we heard two and saw one Eastern Meadowlark. We heard another Read more…

March 18, 2012

Today when I was at my friend Jake’s farm I saw a number of new spring species for Peterborough, at least for me. They included six species of woodpecker (Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Northern Flicker, and Red-bellied Woodpecker), Eastern Phoebe, Killdeer and Brown-headed Cowbird. Location: Observer: Read more…