March 20, 2012

Record temperatures (previous records in brackets) March 11 – 16.2 C (15.8 in 1977), March 16 – 20.2 C (14.5 in 1990), March 18 – 22.6 C (10.7 in 1995), March 19 – 23.4 (14.4 in 1976), March 20 – 23.7 C (13.2 in 1979), March 21 – 25? C Read more…

March 20, 2012

I saw at least four Great Blue Herons back at the heronry behind the marsh on University Road at noon today. At 6:30 p.m. this evening there were three Turkey Vultures sitting atop a dead tree by the bridge over the canal on Nassau Rd. Location: Trent University area Observer: Read more…

March 20, 2012

Today I saw my first Cabbage White butterfly. I have never seen one before in March. This species overwinters as a pupa (chrysalis). Location: downtown Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman