March 22, 2012

This evening, Jerry Ball and I spent a few hours looking for amphibians crossing roadways. We cruised Birchview Road east of Highway 28 south of Young’s Point eastward to Camp Road and then south to County Road 6. The diversity of speces was impressive — 4 species of salamanders and Read more…

March 22, 2012

Two crayfish (Rusty?) in the river. Two days later we also saw two engaged in a very protracted head to head wrestling match. They had more staying power than we did, so didn’t get to see who got the decision! Location: Indian River at Sawmill Road Observer: Stephenie Armstrong

March 22, 2012

Jocelyn and I saw an Osprey on a nest today. The nest is on a tripod nesting structure in the wetland to the north of the road linking Bobgaygeon and Dunsford, immediately east of Dunsford. I think it is part of Emily Creek. This is a full week earlier than Read more…

March 22, 2012

Last night, in the old fields south of the Lakefield Fairgrounds, we could hear a couple American Toads calling, over the chorus of Spring Peepers and Chorus Frogs. Location: Lakefield Observer: Carrie Sadowski

March 22, 2012

Today, with temperatures approaching 25 C, Forsythias in our neighbour’s yard were at peak bloom, the male catkins were past maturity and already falling from our Trembling Aspen, violets were blooming in the lawn and Tiger Lily leaves were about five inches tall! Weeping Willows are already a pastel green Read more…

March 22, 2012

On the evening of March 21, several Ameican Toads were calling faintly along Westbrook Drive in the western end of Peterborough. This evening, there was a strong chorus of three individuals calling a the top end of Westbrook Drive. Location: Westbrook Drive Observer: Martin Parker