March 30, 2012
Three tagged Trumpeter Swans were present on Rice Lake today. The tags are J81,J84 and J88. Location: Keene Observer: Elizabeth Bingham
Three tagged Trumpeter Swans were present on Rice Lake today. The tags are J81,J84 and J88. Location: Keene Observer: Elizabeth Bingham
When I got home from work this afternoon, there were two Hairy, one Downy, my first of season Northern Flicker, and to my suprise my first in yard female Red-bellied. A while later I heard, but did not see, a Pileated. Location: Cavan Observer: Scott McKinlay
Mitch Brownstein, Jim Cashmore and I also had the Barrow’s Goldeneye this morning at the south end of Asphodel 3rd Line (stay to left on Indian Road and follow to the small park and boat launch). It was still with several Common Goldeneyes about half-way across the lake. We also Read more…