May 4, 2012

I spotted two male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks at a feeder outside of 2nd storey bedroom window. (feeder on a pully system) Not a usual visitor at one of our feeders (have 5 set up) – 1st time that I recall in some time. Location: 994 County Rd 19, Peterborough Observer: David Read more…

May 4, 2012

There has been another big flight of Red Admiral butterflies into Ontario these last few days (including today). We had at least 20 admirals in the yard this afternoon. With all of the bird migrants that arrived last night, you have to think that the winds have been favorable to Read more…

May 4, 2012

I walked around Ecology Park and Beavermead Park this morning (9 a.m.) and recorded nine species of warblers including Northern Parula, American Redstart, Blackburnian, Palm, Ovenbird and Black-throated Green. In all, I probably saw 80 to 100 warblers, most of which were Yellow-rumped. Other birds of interest included Least Flycatcher Read more…

May 4, 2012

Bryan and I got an excellent look at a Palm Warbler up our road close to Airport Road. We also heard our first Common Yellowthroat warbler calling. Location: Johnson Drive Observer: Mary Beth Aspinall

May 4, 2012

Today, there were 4 f. and one m. Rose-breasted Grosbeak eating apple blossoms at Ecology Park proper, as opposed to adjacent Beavermead. Also there were 2 shimmering m. Scarlet Tanagers and a m. American Redstart. My FOS empid, likely Least Flycatcher, was sallying in a cedar, plus at least a Read more…

May 4, 2012

This morning, Sue and I heard an Ovenbird, Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Black-throated Green Warbler singing in our backyard. Location: (Park Street North, between Parkhill & Wolesly). Observer: Andrew Jobes, Sue Prentice

May 4, 2012

This morning during my bike ride to work from Lakefield to the MNR building in downtown Peterborough there was quite a lot of bird activity. Highlights included: Great Crested Flycatcher

May 4, 2012

I took a walk through Jackson Park this morning and found a Wood Thrush and Ovenbird singing on the hillsides. A few new warblers for me were Blackburnian and Black-throated Green. Location: Jackson Park Observer: Chris Risley