May 4, 2012

This morning during my bike ride to work from Lakefield to the MNR building in downtown Peterborough there was quite a lot of bird activity. Highlights included: Great Crested Flycatcher

May 4, 2012

I took a walk through Jackson Park this morning and found a Wood Thrush and Ovenbird singing on the hillsides. A few new warblers for me were Blackburnian and Black-throated Green. Location: Jackson Park Observer: Chris Risley

May 3, 2012

Yesterday, Baltimore Orioles were singing in the woods.. saw a male today. Also, have white throated sparrows pecking in the garden. I have noticed a lot of yellow bellied sapsuckers… they have been pecking .. very noisy .. at everyones old aluminum TV towers. Bald eagle still flying by as Read more…

May 3, 2012

Sue and I took our beginnner birdwatching class to Jackson Park today, and we had the following recent returns: – BLUE-HEADED VIREO – BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER – WOOD THRUSH – YELLOW WARBLER. Location: Observer:

May 3, 2012

Today, I photographed a Muscovy Duck that showed up in my backyard on Pengelley Drive in Bailieboro. The probable escapee perched on the railing of our deck! Location: Bailieboro Observer: Marie Adamcryck

May 3, 2012

Yellow Warbler (3-4, singing), (none yesterday) and White crowned Sparrow at Meadowvale Park near TASSS. I also had Black-throated Green (1) and Black-and-White Warblers (2), Blue-headed Vireo (1) and Warbling Vireos at Beavermead. Location: Meadowvale Park and Beavermead Park Observer: Sean Smith

May 3, 2012

This morning, Mitch Brownstein, Byran Whitfield, Mary Beth Aspinall and myself birded on Bryan and Mary Beth’s large, habitat-rich property on Johnson Drive, just south of the by-pass. Birds of interest included Yellow Warbler (2), Nashville Warbler (2), Black-and-white Warbler (1), Blue-headed Vireo (1), Least Flycatcher (1), Great Crested Flycatcher Read more…

May 2, 2012

Along the Otonabee River this morning in Peterborough, I had Warbling Vireo (2), Black-and-White Warbler, Eastern Kingbird and Chimney Swift (Hunter Street in East City). Also, last night May 1, our front yard (919 Ashdale Cres. W.) hosted a Beaver. It decimated my carefully cultivated dandelion blooms and grasses, rested Read more…

May 2, 2012

Today while I was walking my dogs a FISH CROW and two American Crows flew over, chasing a Turkey Vulture. The FISH CROW and the American crows were calling and you could clearly hear the difference. I had my Ipod with me and listened to the call and it matched Read more…

May 2, 2012

Today, at 4:30 p.m. I saw a single Swainson’s Thrush in the large maple woodlot on Hooton Drive, just east of Howden Line. Other birds of interest along Hooten included Black-and-white Warbler, Northern Waterthrush, White-crowned Sparrow and Field Sparrow. A Gray Treefrog was also calling and four Red Admirals flew Read more…