June 29, 2012

We have had a bear sighting on our property. A B&B guest was walking past our pond on Tuesday, June 26 around 11:00 a.m. and an “adult black bear came from the edge of the pond, stood on its hind legs, looked at her and ambled (south) into the bush” Read more…

June 27, 2012

A pair of Sandhill Cranes and their chick can be seen foraging in the field just behind our house. We live a couple of houses down from the Miller Creek trail and this is the second year that we have been fortunate enough to have these lovely birds so close Read more…

June 25, 2012

For the past two days we have seen an Eastern Towhee on Birchview Rd across from #1641 near McCrackens Landing. We frequently see the Indigo Bunting in this area, too. Location: across from #1641 on Birchview Road near McCrackens Landing on Stony Lake Observer: Lynne Cotton

June 23, 2012

Today, the Peterborough Field Naturalists (PFN) visited a bog near Chandos Lake. Large numbers of Rose Pogonia (100+) and lesser numbers of Swamp Pink orchids (30?) were in flower. Some other plants of interest included Round-leaved Sundew, Pitcher Plant, Bog Rosemary, Marsh Cinquefoil, Small-leaved Cranberry, Yellow (Whorled) Loosestrife, Bog Laurel, Read more…

June 22, 2012

Today, I spotted a Black-crowned Night Heron at Beavermead Park at around 8 am. It was in the creek near the other side of the new chip truck. I flushed it from the water’s edge into a tree on the other side of the creek, and could clearly see the Read more…

June 17, 2012

Today, when I was at a cottage on Stony lake, I found a Bonaparte’s Gull in with a flock of Ring-billed Gulls. It was still in first winter plumage. Location: Stony Lake Observer: Luke Berg

June 12, 2012

I walked the Bridgenorth Trail this evening with my daughter, Sophie. We heard a Black-billed Cuckoo calling repeatedly at the Bridgenorth end of the trail. We also tried shaking the branches of the cedar trees and, sure enough, a cloud of 2 mm-long Argyresthia moths filled the air each time. Read more…

June 11, 2012

So many of us have been noticing the browning and general deterioration of the cedars this spring. I was showing some people who were here at our house tonight that if you shake the branch of a cedar, a swarm of tiny white moths flies out so I guess the Read more…

June 9, 2012

Today around 12:00 pm on County Road 8 at Burn’s Bridge in Douro I spotted a mother Black Bear and her two young cubs. This is the second time this week I have seen them. I got a good view of the cubs this time. They are very small. I Read more…

June 9, 2012

I just had a wonderful experience. Tonight, at about 9:30 p.m., I decided to walk the Parkway Trail home from Chemong Rd (going east). I walked all the way to Hilliard Street and back because of the most amazing show of fireflies I have ever seen. It was a perfect Read more…

June 9, 2012

Today I birded the Carden Alvar, north of Kirkfield. I recorded 80 species: Wood Duck, Mallard, Canada Goose, Common Loon, Ring-billed Gull, Herring Gull, Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, American Bittern, Sora, Virginia Rail, Ruffed Grouse, Wild Turkey, Turkey Vulture, Osprey, Northern Harrier, Northern Goshawk, Cooper

June 7, 2012

This morning I checked out the Fairbairn Marsh at 6:30 p.m. Lots of bird activity including Virginia Rail (in response to tape) and Willow Flycatcher, 12 Tree Swallows, 2 Barn Swallows, etc. There is also a Black-billed Cuckoo in the area but I’ve yet to hear it. Further down Fairview Read more…

June 5, 2012

This morning, I spotted a Black Bear on County Road 8 where it meets the Indian River in Douro. Also, that evening on 4th line in the town of Douro, I spotted a large bear and two cubs Location: Douro-Dummer Township Observer: Jamie Austin

June 2, 2012

A bit of good luck recently at the Lakefield marsh… theTrumpeter Swan we saw May 25th was feeding with the geese today. This time he was close enough to see his tag (J84). I checked the Trumpter Swan Society’s website and found out he’s one of the 10 cygnets hatched Read more…