September 30, 2012

Today our first White-crowned Sparrow of the fall turned up at our feeder. I’ve been putting niger seed on the ground which seems to work well. The sparrows are happy and the squirrels don’t touch it. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

September 28, 2012

White Ash are at their colour height right now. Excellent display this year of all the hardwoods. Ashes just north of Parkhill Bridge over Jackson Creek quite beautiful. Location: Alll over Peterborough County Observer: Drew Monkman

September 27, 2012

Early this afternoon, I saw four Bonaparte’s Gulls swimming in the front cell at the Lakefield Sewage Lagoons. The only ducks present were four Wood Ducks which were in the back cell. There was also a single Common Buckeye butterfly on the road/path at the northeast corner of the front Read more…

September 27, 2012

Thought you might like to know I have just seen a Green-backed Heron along the Pagoda lake in Jackson Park. Have been walking there in the early mornings for many years and this is a first. Have seen many Great Blue Herons but never this little fellow. Guess he is Read more…

September 22, 2012

In the early afternoon, Patrick Hubert, a local birder was on his sheep farm just SW of the corner of Centre Line and Asphodel 6th Line. He saw a Black Vulture soaring near some Turkey Vultures. His description: “short, stocky vulture with black plumage and black head flying low”. As Read more…

September 21, 2012

At Ecology Park today, there were a single young male Rose-breasted Grosbeak, several Black-throated Green Warblers and single Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, American Redstart and Yellow-rumped Warblers. Location: Ecology Park Observer: Sean Smith

September 21, 2012

For the last three or four days, we have had five Purple Finches coming to our feeders. They have been here for about a week. They are all female or first-year males (which are indistinguishable from the female.) Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

September 19, 2012

On Sept. 18 there were still 2 Ruby-throated hummingbirds feeding on salvia at Ecology Park. Today, there was a juv. Black-crowned Night Heron off Meadowvale Park, below TASSS, and in the trees a Blue -headed Vireo and Black-throated Green Warbler, a Hermit Thrush – along with several Ruby and Golden-crowned Read more…

September 16, 2012

Today Mike Gillespie called me with news of butterflies that he had initially been unable to identify. He eventually suggested they looked like Fiery Skippers but thought that they were out of their range. I went down to his house and was able to confirm his ID. He has three Read more…

September 15, 2012

At Millers Creek this morning we saw a Least Bittern. It was at a distance but it seemed to be significantly smaller than an American Bittern. We checked Crossley and Sibleys and the black cap and the beak seemed right. He looked to be quite dark in flight. Location: Miller Read more…

September 15, 2012

On the 24th of June I saw a doe with three fawns on the road quite close to our cottage on Chandos Lake. Well, yesterday we saw them again, three months older, near the same area! All of them looked perfectly beautiful and healthy. We felt so blessed! Location: Chandos Read more…

September 8, 2012

This morning at 10 am, I had 3 Sandhill Cranes fly over me as I was driving east along County Rd. #2 by the Birdsall Swamp ( just east of Birdsall Rd) Location: County Rd. 2 by the Birdsall Swamp ( just east of Birdsall Rd) Observer: Michael Gillespie

September 1, 2012

Today I had 15 Common Nighthawks circling over my house. First I thought they were swallows,but they were too big. I took out my bird guide and clearly saw the markings (white bands close to the body) on the underside of the wings. Location: Havelock Observer: Ulrike Kullik