October 7, 2012

With the strong cold front this weekend, there has been a lot of bird activity with large numbers of creepers, kinglets and sparrows migrating through. The morning sunshine has also been coaxing some of the sparrows and robins into a half-hearted rendition of the their spring songs. The maples and Read more…

October 7, 2012

Today we had a Golden-crowned kinglet sitting on a window ledge. we also had one Eastern Towhee under our backyard feeder among the white-crowned and white-throated sparrows and house and purple finches. Location: McCrea Drive, Peterborough Observer: MItch Brownstein

October 7, 2012

Today I went to the Lakefield Sewage Lagoons and saw one Golden-crowned Kinglet, 10 Yellow-rumped warblers, 4 Redhead, 50 Greater scaup, 4 Ring-necked Ducks, 2 Wood Ducks, 4 Bufflehead, and 2 Bonaparte’s Gulls. Location: Lakefield Sewage Lagoons Observer: Luke Berg