October 9, 2012

On the walk home this afternoon, I had 2 Swainson’s Thrushes near London St. bridge/ near Ross St. eating Common Buckthorn berries. Location: London Street Foot Bridge Observer: Sean Smith

October 9, 2012

White-throated, White-crowned and Song Sparrows continue to give feeble renditions of their songs-as do Ruby-crowned Kinglets. I think this is more adults experiencing similar daylight hours to early spring, aka reproductive (or testicular), recrudecence, as opposed to juveniles ‘practicing’ their vocals? In late September I even had a Song Sparrow Read more…

October 9, 2012

There were 3 Canvasbacks, 1 Ring-billed Duck, and a Lesser Scaup associating together on Little Lake this morning (Oct. 9th) off Beavermead Beach. A Pied-billed Grebe was nearby. I had 3 Blue headed Vireos this morning at Meadowvale Park, near TASSS. Location: Litlle Lake; Meadowvale Park Observer: Sean Smith

October 9, 2012

The feeding station in by backyard was very busy yesterday with a total of 18 species from 7:00 to 10:00 a.m.. Included was a female ruby crowned kinglet, male and female purple finches and for the second time this year a Carolina Wren. I was able to get a picture Read more…