October 7, 2012

With the strong cold front this weekend, there has been a lot of bird activity with large numbers of creepers, kinglets and sparrows migrating through. The morning sunshine has also been coaxing some of the sparrows and robins into a half-hearted rendition of the their spring songs. The maples and Read more…

October 7, 2012

Today we had a Golden-crowned kinglet sitting on a window ledge. we also had one Eastern Towhee under our backyard feeder among the white-crowned and white-throated sparrows and house and purple finches. Location: McCrea Drive, Peterborough Observer: MItch Brownstein

October 7, 2012

Today I went to the Lakefield Sewage Lagoons and saw one Golden-crowned Kinglet, 10 Yellow-rumped warblers, 4 Redhead, 50 Greater scaup, 4 Ring-necked Ducks, 2 Wood Ducks, 4 Bufflehead, and 2 Bonaparte’s Gulls. Location: Lakefield Sewage Lagoons Observer: Luke Berg

October 6, 2012

A dozen or more kinglets were in the yard this morning with the arrival of a strong cold front. Lots of Brown Creepers moving throught today, too. Purple Finches are still at feeder (about 12) and at least one of the immature males is starting to show a purple rump. Read more…

October 6, 2012

Two American Tree Sparrows have been visiting my birdfeeder on my deck over last 3 days. As well, a flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers have been at my front window and in my front trees for a week now feeding on the Hackberry Gall Flies that are numerous right now. Location: Read more…

October 5, 2012

Today, there were a Blue-headed Vireo and Nashville Warbler at Ecology Park, while a few Purple Finches continue at feeders there. A Monarch was still visiting wildflowers. Location: Ecology Park Observer: Sean Smith

October 4, 2012

Today after school I was at a friend’s house on Coon Lake Road which is about a kilometre past Burleigh Falls and I found a Four -toed Salamander on the road, about 500 meters from the turn off. Location: Coon Lake Road, Burleight Falls Observer: Luke Berg

October 4, 2012

A huge bull Elk caused traffic interruption on Highway 7 between Havelock and Marmora this evening. The Elk was 30 feet from the road in a farmer’s field . He had a tag on one ear. Droves of people parked beside the highway and took pictures and videos. I still Read more…

October 2, 2012

On a drive around Chandos Lake today, the colours were magnificent. Especiallly impressive were the Red and Sugar Maples, along with wine-coloured White Ash. I would suspect that it will still be very good over Thanksgiving Weekend, esp. for Sugar Maple Location: Chandos Lake area: Apsley to Lasswade to Glen Read more…

October 1, 2012

Between Meadowvale Park near TASS and Dunlop St. I observed single Nashville and Tennessee Warblers, FOS White-crowned Sparrow, a single Phoebe and a pr. of Wood Ducks. At Lock #20 Ashburnham at Roger’s Cove there was a screaming Merlin and a flock of Pine Siskins. At Ecology Park there was Read more…