Some beautiful late fall visitors to the farm
On Monday, November 28, I had a Northern Flicker on my front lawn and 4 Eastern Bluebirds flitting about my orchard. Michael Gillespie, David Fife Line, east of Keene
On Monday, November 28, I had a Northern Flicker on my front lawn and 4 Eastern Bluebirds flitting about my orchard. Michael Gillespie, David Fife Line, east of Keene
White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus) (1) CONFIRMED – Reported Nov 29, 2016 12:09 by Matthew Tobey – Pinewood Drive + Stenson Park, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Media: 1 Photo – Comments: “First winter bird. Northeast corner of the park by the concrete inlet. Tended to skulk in dense Read more…
Iain Rayner found a female King Eider this morning off of the Fothergill Isle causeway on Pigeon Lake. Don Sutherland and I observed the bird before lunch; it is with a large mixed flock of ducks south of Thorne Island. It is very distant and hard to see even with Read more…
Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) (1) – Reported Nov 27, 2016 16:30 by Toby Rowland – Peterborough – Little Lake, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “adult in winter plumage” Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus) (1) – Reported Nov 27, 2016 16:30 by Toby Rowland – Peterborough – Little Read more…
On November 26, I saw a Sandhill Crane land in a field kitty corner from the church at the corner of Curve Lake Road and County Road 23, south of Buckhorn. Gavin Hunter
Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii) (2) – Reported Nov 25, 2016 14:55 by Dave Milsom – Rice Lake–Pengelly Landing, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “small bodies, short bills, in middle of large flock of Canadas.” Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata) (2) – Reported Nov 26, 2016 09:06 by Daniel Read more…
On November 24, I had American Tree Sparrows feeding on spilled seed under the feeders. Bill Snowden, Ennismore
A few small flock of male Red-winged Blackbirds has been coming to the feeder these last two days. Mainly feeding on the ground on spilled seed. Bill Snowden, Ennismore
Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor) (1) – Reported Nov 21, 2016 11:10 by Erica Nol – Office window, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “Windy over field, NOSH flies over feeder and lands on tallest tree near garden fenced area, Clear view of bird.” Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor) Read more…
I witnessed a murmuration of European Starlings two weeks ago over our house. At the time I did not know there was a name for it, but I knew what I was witnessing was extraordinary. I could not believe the sheer numbers of birds, and they just kept coming. I Read more…
I had a single female Evening Grosbeak November 16 in the yard here where I live near Stoney Lake. Tim Dyson, Nephton I’ve had a Brown Creeper on the tree trunks adjacent to the bird feeders and suet feeders. Last year one came to the suet feeders on a regular Read more…
Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) (1) – Reported Nov 15, 2016 21:00 by Jeff Stewart – 621 Carveth Drive, Millbrook, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “heard hooting near house by Annie” Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) (1) – Reported Nov 16, 2016 12:00 by Basil Conlin – Read more…
I took these shots of a Black Bear cub in Young’s Point on November 9th at about 2:00 pm. Jeff Keller
I spotted this little Red Fox north of Flynn’s Corners on November 1st. The pheasant I saw November 2 near Lindsay. It was my first time seeing one. I did not know they were wild around here. Jeff Keller Note: I don’t think they are reproducing in the wild. The Read more…
I have good news and bad news. The good news is that my American Chestnut trees produced what appear to be a few viable nuts. The bad news is that the number of viable nuts is much smaller than I had hoped for. American Chestnuts are monoecious, so although the Read more…
On October 16, my wife and I came across a curious mushroom trail in the Robert Johnson Eco Park in Douro. We though you might be interested. We speculate that some little vole or other rodent passed by a mushroom full of spores, captured a mass of them on his Read more…
I told you about the “friendly” Ruffed Grouse at our cottage near Parry Sound. Apparently the bird was following neighbours around too. Our dog almost got him several times, despite being on leash, because the grouse would fly after us when we were walking around and land closely. Attached is Read more…
I was out on the acreage on October 12 doing my usual pre-hunt checkout, and came across this lovely Eastern Hog-nosed Snake. On the 13th, I was documenting some history for my museum about mining in the area and came upon these bats in an abandoned uranium mine near Crystal Read more…
On Friday afternoon, November 11, this beautiful adult Cooper’s Hawk made a kill in my east city backyard. It appeared to have taken a Rock Pigeon. Helen Nicolaides Keller, Mark Street
I thought you might be interested in the following: a Gray Squirrel and a Cooper’s Hawk dueled it out on the top rail of our split rail fence in mid-October. For at least 15 minutes they charged at each other fearlessly before the hawk called it quits. (When the hawk Read more…
Here is photo of a six pound Giant Puffball we found on September 19 on Fire Route 15 near Stoney Lake. This is one puffball. The small end grew from the ground It was in perfect condition and white throughout. Many people enjoyed eating it; you can be sure! Joan Major
On October 8 at 9:30 am, we were paid a visit by a young bull Moose at our place on South Bay Shore Road West on Stoney Lake. Linda Gilbert
In early October, we had a large flock of about 50 ducks that we fed on our shoreline in the hopes of giving them a safe haven away from the hunters. The flock was joined by a lone Ring-billed Gull. The gull ate the corn we spread – right in Read more…
Here is a picture of our cottage Red Squirrels’ pre-winter stash. Clearly our local squirrels are an OCD lot: note that the cones are not only symmetrically arranged, but the butt ends are all formed like rays around rocks or along the length of a fallen tree! Certainly I have Read more…
New app We are constantly striving to improve the Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas and are currently in the process of revamping the smartphone app. The new version of the app will include interactive features that allow users to see when their record has been accepted and when certain records Read more…
Black Scoter (Melanitta americana) (2) – Reported Nov 18, 2016 08:30 by Iain Rayner – Chemong Lake–west end of causeway, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: – Checklist: – Comments: “2 Female types 300 M – 500 M north of causeway. IDeable through binoculars.” Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) (1) – Reported Read more…
I heard that the Gray Jay is going to be Canada’s national bird. So, in honor of the designation, I photographed these two today in my yard today and fed them bacon as a Canadian gesture! Marie Windover, 2167 Cty Rd 507, Flynn’s Corners
In her recent Environmental Protection Report entitled “Small Steps Forward”, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Dianne Saxe, called upon the government to put words into action to monitor biodiversity, combat wildlife declines, control invasive species, and follow through on better forest fire management. The large-scale loss of biodiversity is a Read more…
We live in Peterborough, just west of Wallis drive. Since about mid-August, starting just at dusk, we hear cricket-like sounds coming from the trees in our neighborhood. The frequency of the sound is about that of a cricket, but is continuous rather than the intermittent cricket’s call. There seems to Read more…
Do you know what this is? An egg mass or two? It was attached to a synthetic yellow rope floating beside our dock on Crab Lake. I took the photo on September 11 with a bit of cloud reflection. Ken Brown According to Don Sutherland of the Ontario Natural Heritage Read more…