Monarch sightings in the Kawarthas have been far more numerous this summer than in the recent past. For example, Tim Dyson has had 353 sightings in the Warsaw/Stoney Lake area as of today. Like many people, I have at least one in the garden almost every time I look out. They seem to prefer the Buddleia (Butterfly Bush), Mexican Sunflower and pink Phlox.

The population that will be migrating to Mexico by early September is projected to be the highest since 2012, according to This is based on several factors: higher numbers of overwintering Monarchs in Mexico last winter, relatively good migrating conditions throughout their flight north this past spring, and summer temperatures and rainfall conducive to survival. There should be a strong migration along Lake Ontario and Lake Erie and a good prospect that the overwintering population in Mexico will increase from the 2.91 hectares of last year to 4 hectares or better this coming winter.

I highly recommend attending the Monarch tagging demonstration at Presqu’ile Provincial Park on Labour Day Weekend (September 2 & 3). Children have the opportunity to hold and release tagged Monarchs. Click here for details.


Tagged Monarch – Drew Monkman

Don Davis tagging Monarchs at Presqu’ile Provincial Park

Tagged Monarch ready to be released

Enlarged model of a Monarch tag

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.