This morning Jerry Ball and I heard a singing Field Sparrow from the west end of Zion Line. Yesterday I saw a Sandhill Crane in a field on Oke Rd north of Warsaw. It was feeding close to a flock of Wild Turkeys. Also yesterday I saw four Eastern Phoebes, including one in my backyard. I heard Evening Grosbeaks calling in two places, one from the woods on South Beach Rd in Young’s Point, and the other right by Camp Kawartha on Birchview Rd. Golden-crowned Kinglets were singing in Lakefield Park both yesterday and this morning. On Monday Jerry Ball found a Greater Yellowlegs in a pond on Nicholson Rd in the south of the county.

Location: various
Observer: Tony Bigg

Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.