On April 25 on McCrea Drive in Peterborough, I was awakened by the calls of two Whip-poor-wills. One was near our backyard and the other was off in the distance. I was very surprised because as a youngster at the cottage we went to sleep every night to the sound of their call but it’s been at least 50 years since I’ve heard one. John Hewson

I want to show you the damage to our ash trees by Pileated Woodpeckers. Over the winter and spring, these woodpeckers, followed by smaller woodpeckers, have been debarking the ash around our yard. We thought perhaps they’re looking for Emerald Ash Borer larvae. Marilyn Riel, 2020 Youngs Point Road Lakefield, ON

Here’s a picture of a Compton Tortoisefly in my garage today, April 2. Pretty early, eh ? Michael Gillespie