November 21, 2007

350 to 400 Bohemian Waxwings near Gannon’s Narrows. Location: The birds were on the tops of large trees along Myers Crescent. Myers Crescent is a short loop road off Kinsale Road which connects with Lakehurst Road about 100 metres south of the Gannon’s Narrows bridge. Observer: Bryan Wyatt, Guelph

November 19, 2007

An employee of the Peterborough Centennial Museum is quite confident he saw a Great Gray Owl sitting on a lamp post in east city (Peterborough). (This would be the first Great Gray reported in central Ontario this fall that I’m aware of. – D.M.) Location: Ashburnham Road (between the Liftlock Read more…

November 18, 2007

The finch forecast for this fall/winter is spot-on, judging by the visitors to feeders at Mount Julian this week. They include Pine Grosbeaks, Evening Grosbeaks, and Common Redpolls. Six Bohemian Waxwings foraging in a Red Cedar were present this morning. Pine Siskins and Purple Finches have been ABSENT for two Read more…

November 18, 2007

Pileated Woodpecker hopping from car to car in a parking lot and pecking at the front windshields (N.B. most likely seeing its reflection in the glass and assuming another Pileated had entered its feeding territory) Location: parking lot (directly adjacent to Jackson Creek) belonging to three-story apartment building between McDonnell Read more…

November 18, 2007

“Yesterday, I drained our rainwater barrel and suddenly a male Pine Grosbeak and two females landed a foot away from me to drink the running rainwater!” Location: 17 km north of Norwood Observer: Horst Vauth

November 16, 2007

Many Lilacs, European Buckthorn and Siberian Elm, along with a few Norway Maple and Silver Maple, have not yet shed their leaves. This is a very late date for these trees to still have leaves. Location: Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

November 8, 2007

Pileated Woodpecker at feeder (Note: There have been a number of Pileated Woodpecker sightings in the city in recent days, especially along Parkhill Road between Monaghan and Armour – D. Monkman) Location: Whitaker Street / Armour Road in Peterborough Observer: Gord Smith

November 8, 2007

12 American Robins, 10 Golden-crowned Kinglets, Winter Moth, many fresh beaver cuttings Location: de Pencier Trail on east side of University Road at Trent University Observer: Drew Monkman; Jim Cashmore

November 3, 2007

14 Pine Grosbeak, 14 Bohemian Waxwing, 8 Evening Grosbeak, 100s of Common Redpolls, 30+ Snow Bunting, 1 Lapland Longspur, 10 Eastern Bluebirds, 2 American Pipits Location: north end of Dear Bay on Upper Buckhorn Lake Observer: Don Sutherland

October 15, 2007

five Snow Geese were seen with about 100 Canada Geese. Small numbers of Snow Geese were also reported from several other locations in early October. Location: Buckhorn highway, south of the Selwyn lights Observer: Wayne Stone

October 13, 2007

Several people have been noticing plants re-blooming, apparently because of the extremely mild fall we’ve been having. These include Lowbush Blueberry. Location: High Falls (Eel’s Creek), just north of Stony Lake Observer: Michael Butler