Recent sightings from eBird

Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) (4) – Reported Jun 16, 2017 10:15 by Martin Parker – David Fife Liner – south end & Gillepie feeder, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.133918&ll=44.2580292,-78.133918 – Checklist: – Media: 1 Photo Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) (1) – Reported Jun 16, 2017 07:50 by Iain Rayner Read more…

Sightings from eBird – another Red-headed Woodpecker

Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) (1) – Reported Jun 01, 2017 14:50 by Scott Gibson – Lakefield–Sewage Lagoons, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.2587266&ll=44.4180879,-78.2587266 – Checklist: – Comments: “female. south cell” Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) (1) – Reported May 29, 2017 13:00 by Kathryn Sheridan – Lakefield Water Tower, Peterborough, Ontario Read more…

“This guy is demented!”

Did you, as a kid, see Hitchcock’s “The Birds”? We our having a “Birds” experience ourselves. The Ruffed Grouse at the cottage that began following us (and our dog, Toby) around last summer has turned nasty! A day or so ago, he started by fluttering at Toby’s head from point Read more…

Latest local sightings from

– Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (1 report) – Cliff Swallow (4 reports) – Sedge Wren (1 report) – Golden-winged Warbler (1 report) – Blue-winged Warbler (1 report) – Cape May Warbler (1 report) ——————————————— Thank you for subscribing to the <daily> Needs Alert for Peterborough County.The report below shows observations of species Read more…

Latest sightings of special interest

Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors) (4) – Reported May 20, 2017 10:00 by Basil Conlin – Lakefield–Sewage Lagoons, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.2587266&ll=44.4180879,-78.2587266 – Checklist: – Media: 1 Photo Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors) (2) – Reported May 20, 2017 09:50 by Bill Crins – Lakefield–Sewage Lagoons, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: Read more…

Some recent sightings…

Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors) (2) – Reported May 18, 2017 08:23 by Luke Berg – Lakefield–Sewage Lagoons, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.2587266&ll=44.4180879,-78.2587266 – Checklist: Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) (1) – Reported May 18, 2017 07:37 by Donald A. Sutherland – Peterborough–Trent Rotary Rail Trail, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.2885554&ll=44.362531,-78.2885554 Read more…