Belted Kingfisher and two species of caterpillar west of Peterborough

Yesterday while walking the dog on the rail trail west of Ackison Road I saw a Belted Kingfisher at the swamp at the Johnson Road intersection; also several Woolly Bear caterpillars and one unidentified black and yellow caterpillar on the trail. See pictures below. Sherry Hambly, Peterborough

eBird – Downtown Peterborough Peregrine Falcon continues to turn up

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) (1) – Reported Nov 06, 2013 07:25 by Iain Rayner – Ptbo – Water St., Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.3194076&ll=44.3133836,-78.3194076 – Checklist: – Comments: “Large falcon. Direct flight, not low and dashy like a Merlin. Flew north over Water & Hunter St. Intersection. In silhouette. Read more…

eBirds – A very late American Woodcock

American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) (1) – Reported Nov 02, 2013 17:30 by Laura Gardner – Trent Wildlife Sanctuary, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.2859135&ll=44.347944,-78.2859135 – Checklist: – Comments: “bird was flushed from meadow area and flew within a couple of feet of me – located along the blue trail (southeast Read more…

Lakefield Sewage Lagoons a great birding destination – even in November

View this alert on the web at NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated Northern Shrike (American) (Lanius excubitor borealis/invictus) (1) – Reported Oct 30, 2013 09:15 by Sarah Bonnett – Lakefield–Sewage Lagoons, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.2587266&ll=44.4180879,-78.2587266 – Checklist: Redhead (Aythya americana) (3) – Reported Oct 30, Read more…

eBird – Northern Saw-whet Owls moving south

  Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) (1) – Reported Oct 28, 2013 20:30 by Marianne Clark – Peterborough Cty–536 Golf Course Rd., Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.1407698&ll=44.5332859,-78.1407698 – Checklist: – Comments: “began calling (“skew” call) a few minutes after I began playing a NSWO recording. Continued to call for Read more…

a REAL Halloween owl!

Last night, October 31st, I had the window open for the warm air, despite the high wind and rain. I was awakened at some point not by either of those, but by a very loud Eastern Screech-Owl, the first I’ve heard in our neighborhood. Other screech-owls I’ve encountered had given quite Read more…

eBird: Canvasback, Redhead and first Northern Shrike of the fall

*** Species Summary: – Canvasback – Redhead – Northern Shrike Canvasback (Aythya valisineria) (1) – Reported Oct 25, 2013 08:45 by Jason Straka – Lakefield–Sewage Lagoons, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.2587266&ll=44.4180879,-78.2587266 – Checklist: – Comments: “Male.  Brown head and gray back.  Large duck with large, heavy, black bill.  Diving.  Read more…

eBirds: more waterfowl, owls and even a Lapland Longspur

Species Summary: – Brant – Surf Scoter – Red-breasted Merganser – Red-throated Loon – Lesser Yellowlegs – Eastern Screech-Owl – Horned Lark – American Pipit – Lapland Longspur ——————————————— View this alert on the web at NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated Brant (Branta bernicla) (50) CONFIRMED – Read more…

eBird – Snow Goose, a rare bird in the Kawarthas

Snow Goose  ——————————————— View this alert on the web at NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens) (3) CONFIRMED – Reported Oct 17, 2013 08:30 by Scott Gibson – Peterborough – West edge of County at Boundary Road, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.4760771&ll=44.4041047,-78.4760771 – Checklist: Read more…

eBird – mid-October: the time of year of the Orange-crowned Warbler

Orange-crowned Warbler ——————————————— The report below shows observations of rare birds in Peterborough.  View this alert on the web at Orange-crowned Warbler (Oreothlypis celata) (1) CONFIRMED – Reported Oct 17, 2013 06:55 by Jeff Stewart – 621 Carveth Drive, Millbrook, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.4611087&ll=44.1354565,-78.4611087 – Checklist: – Read more…

eBird – Very rare Yellow-headed Blackbird seen at Trent Nature Area

– Least Flycatcher – Warbling Vireo (Eastern) – Yellow-headed Blackbird Least Flycatcher (Empidonax minimus) (1) – Reported Sep 14, 2013 08:00 by Luke Berg – Trent Nature Area on the 9th Line, Peterborough, Ontario – Map:,-78.2703781&ll=44.3501535,-78.2703781 – Checklist: – Comments: “small flycatcher with olive back and white wing Read more…