May 5, 2011

Out walking the dogs this morning at Gannon Narrows, I heard flapping and looked up and saw a female Wood Duck hanging on the side of the tree. She seemed to have her foot stuck in the bark on the tree, right beside the cavity which I presume is her Read more…

May 2, 2011

The Louisiana Waterthrush found yesterday by Don Sutherland was still present and singing this morning at the same location on Asphodel 3rd Line about 300m N of County Rd 2. There are also at least two Northern Waterthrush present at the same location and, as Don has already mentioned, the Read more…

May 1, 2011

Don Sutherland found a singing Louisiana Waterthrush 300 m north of the intersection of Rice Lake Road and Asphodel Third Line. The bird is singing in the wet ash swamp on the west side of the road. He found it around 11 am on May 1 and I went and Read more…

April 30, 2011

I was herp atlassing in the eastern portion of the county and adjacent portions of Hastings County. Lots of bird activity including Great Crested Flycatcher, and single Gray Catbird, Bobolink and American Redstart, the latter which was singing constantly from woods near Marmora Station. Lots of turtles, mostly Midland Painted Read more…

April 30, 2011

Around Cavan today we saw rusty blackbirds, brown thrasher, rose-breasted grosbeak, eastern towhee, black-throated green warbler, b&w warbler, pine warbler, ovenbird, northern waterthush, eastern wood pewee, great-crested flycatcher, and lots of other stuff. Location: Cavan Observer: Scott McKinlay

April 29, 2011

On my bike ride home today from Peterborough to Lakefield, there were many large flocks of swallows along the Otonabee River. Most were Tree and Barn Swallows but there were also some Cliff, Northern Rough-winged and Bank Swallows mixed in. Also, there were a few small flocks of Cedar Waxwings. Read more…

April 29, 2011

Today, at around noon, I first heard then observed a flock of 38 Bohemian Waxwings in flight over our house on John Street in the Avenues areas of the downtown. The flock was headed south. Yesterday (April 28th) morning there was a Nashville Warbler singing in and/or near our backyard. Read more…

April 28, 2011

This evening after the storm, my wife, Diana, pointed out to me the arrival of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak on our feeder. The bird has been around all day today also. Location: Lakefield Observer: Tony Bigg

April 27, 2011

Like Colin Jones, Bob Prentice and I also saw/heard Brown Thrasher (Duoro 3rd Line, several), Yellow-rumped Warbler (about thirty by Lakefield Marsh in the campsite, and a few more elsewhere), Black-and-white Warbler (two in the Lakefield campsite) and Field Sparrow (several along Hubble Rd). We also had Eastern Towhee (Lakefield Read more…

April 27, 2011

This morning, during my cycle to work from Lakefield to Peterborough along the Rotary Trail the bird activity was very good. Apart from there being more individuals of certain species that have already been reported (e.g. Chipping Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow) I also had the following species that are at least Read more…

April 25, 2011

I was up in the Crystal Lake-Mount Irwin area of the county today. Lots of Yellow-rumped and Pine warblers and Hermit Thrush, several Northern Waterthrush and a single Blue-headed Vireo, all singing. Lots of Chorus, Wood, and Northern Leopard frogs and Spring Peepers calling, though there was still some ice Read more…

April 25, 2011

Walking the Bridgenorth trail early this morning I heard two Northern Waterthrushes singing. I also saw a European Hare. I met Emily Pettypiece who had just seen a Sandhill Crane on the same trail. Also along the trail Rusty Blackbirds, White-throated Sparrows, and Winter Wrens were singing, and several Wilson

April 24, 2011

In typical April fashion, the backyard bird chorus today was quite impressive, even at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Among the voices were flickers, robins, mourning doves, grackles, goldfinches, siskins, house finches, and juncos. Our coltsfoot and hepatica have been in bloom now for a few days. The flowers on Read more…

April 24, 2011

The female Red-bellied Woodpecker that I reported on January 17 was joined this past week by a male. They are now a couple and have set up a home in our back woods. I can’t wait to see the babies this summer; hopefully they will come to the feeder with Read more…

April 16, 2011

Tonight, my mom, my dad, and I went to look for salamanders on Camp Line and Birch View roads and we came back with spectacular results. Our total was around 70-80 individuals. There were about 25 spotted salamanders, around 55 blue spotted, and one sadly roadkill eastern newt. The highest Read more…

April 12, 2011

This evening, in the roadside ditch at the junction of Lakefield Road and Woodland Dr. (just N of Trent Univ.) the Spring Peepers, Chorus Frogs and Wood Frogs were all calling in good numbers. Location: Lakefield Highway Observer: Colin Jones

April 12, 2011

This morning during my dog walk at the Trent University Nature Area (Pensier trail) I saw the following species: Eastern Phoebe, 100+ Tree Swallows, Northern Flickers, 2 calling male Brewers Blackbirds (heard and seen), Yellow-rumped warbler, Golden and Ruby crowned Kinglet, a singing Winter Wren. Luke Berg Location: Trent University Read more…

April 12, 2011

Yesterday afternoon (April 11) on my way home, I saw a NORTHERN REDBELLY SNAKE on the Rotary Trail just N of Trent Univ. This morning (April 12 ), I did a little birding along Old Norwood Road and Division Road and had the following of note: GREEN-WINGED TEAL

April 11, 2011

Today, while checking out the loons on Little Lake, we saw many swallows flying over the lake. They were quite far away but they looked like Tree Swallows. On April 10, we saw two Wood Ducks in Cavan Swamp on Hooten Road. Location: Little Lake and Hooten Road Observer: Dave Read more…