August 3, 2009

On July 16, 2009 I found a young Merlin in our backyard, unable to fly. It was on the ground near a neighbour’s feeder and I watched him for 30 minutes and no parents came. I picked him up and realized that it was fully fledged and had an injured Read more…

July 30, 2009

Today, we observed and photographed both a female and male Imperial Moth (Eacles imperialis). This large, yellow moth has pinkish-brown patches. It is a member of the silk moth family. The female, which is larger than the male, can have a wingspan of as much as seven inches! Location: Upper Read more…

July 27, 2009

I saw two juvenile Sandhill Cranes walking on the alvar just to the south and east of Irwin Inn (south side of Stoney Lake) at 7:30 a.m. today. They were the size of full grown Great Blue Herons, about 4

July 27, 2009

Almost every morning at between 7:00 and 8:00 AM our foursome watches a pair of Red Foxes as they make their morning rounds at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club here in Peterborough. They appear to be hunting for the squirrels and rabbits that are common on the grounds, and Read more…

July 27, 2009

An Eastern Tiger Swallowtail appeared in our garden today, the first of the year. It spent its time on the Purple Coneflower and Joe-Pye Weed. This species flies later in the summer than the very similar Canadian Tiger Swallowtail. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

July 21, 2009

I am sitting here, looking out our back window at 4 Red Foxes playing. Three days ago we had one, then two, but tonight there are four. I assume they are this years young but they are quite large. I live in town on Weller Street beside the hospital. In Read more…

July 18, 2009

The annual Petroglyph Butterfly Count, organized and compiled by Jerry Ball, took place on July 18. Cool, wet weather this spring and summer are the most probable explanations as to why both the number of species and the number of individual butterflies were much lower than usual. 49 species and Read more…

July 17, 2009

I found an Eastern Milk Snake curled up in my woodshed (attached to the house) underneath a garbage can. The shed seams to be a favorite spot for snakes. I am located 6 km east of Havelock on Highway 7. Location: Havelock Observer: Ulrike Kullik

July 17, 2009

I have only twice in my career had the opportunity to come across an endangered species while on my way into work. The first time was about 17 years ago while driving to the East Gate of Algonquin Park and driving up to a Peregrine Falcon standing on the roadway, Read more…

July 17, 2009

Today, at Jackson Park, my family and I saw a Red-Tailed Hawk. It was probably guarding its nest which we saw below the hawk. A blue jay was flying to the nest but failed to get there. After that, the jay attacked the hawk by grabbing at its neck and Read more…

July 9, 2009

A pair of Merlins have been present in the area of Dufferin and Ross streets for at least the last two months. There is a large nest high up a spruce on the northwest corner of the intersection. Today, my son was able to get a good look at one Read more…

June 24, 2009

This morning at about 7:00 a.m., I saw and heard two Sandhill Cranes. They were calling back and forth. Location: 4th Line of Douro, half way between Centre Line and the dead-end of the road Observer: Leo Condon

June 13, 2009

A Pine Siskin showed up at our feeder in Peterborough today. It was the first I’ve seen in the yard in several weeks and a very late sighting for this species. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

June 11, 2009

Jerry Ball found an American Avocet today at the Aspinal’s Farm on Johnson Dr. Directions: Take Monaghan Road south, under the Bypass. It becomes Johnson Dr when it swings west and follows the bypass. Johnson jogs left, then right and then on the north side opposite house #1111 there are Read more…

June 4, 2009

At least two pairs of Common Nighthawks were flying over the fields across from Camp Kawartha (east of Camp Line Road and south of Birchview Road) tonight. The males were doing their diving display and producing the whoosing “hoooov” sound at the bottom of each dive. Location: Clear Lake Observer: Read more…

May 30, 2009

I had 2 summer adult Sandhill Cranes today just outside of Keene on Cty Rd. 2 in first farm field on left. They are difficult to see as they blend in nicely with the soil from the field. This was at 6:00 pm. Location: Keene Observer: Sarah Petrasek