May 23, 2009
Migrating Blackpoll Warblers were calling from the trees as hundreds of people milled about at the annual Gilmour Street Garage Sale. Location: Peterborough Observer: Chris Risley
Migrating Blackpoll Warblers were calling from the trees as hundreds of people milled about at the annual Gilmour Street Garage Sale. Location: Peterborough Observer: Chris Risley
A female Rose-breasted Grosbeak showed up at our feeder today. I also had reports of males today, as well, at two separate feeders in the west end of Peterborough. Location: Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
I saw two Sandhill Cranes today soaring high over Highway 7, just west of Ski Hill Road in Omemee. Location: Omemee Observer: Gavin Hunter
In Cavan Woods this morning, I had 10 new year birds including: male Scarlet Tanager, Vesper Sparrow, Nashville Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, CommonYellowthroat, Ovenbird, Solitary Sandpiper, and Willow Flycatcher (“whit” call). Location: Cavan Observer: Scott McKinlay
I heard my first American Toads of the year “trilling” this evening in the west end of Peterborough. Location: Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
White Trilliums are now in bloom in many areas including Champlain Heights Woods and Buckhorn. Location: Peterborough and Buckhorn Observer: Aidan Hickie-Bentzen; Andy Curtis
This evening I visited a spot where a heron had been observed starting to nest back in March. At the time there was only one nest observed. Now there are at least 7 nests. Great Blue Herons were seen on several of the nests. Hermit Thrushes were singing away in Read more…
Both Least Bittern and American Bittern were calling in the Lakefield Marsh this morning at 7:30 a.m. The Least Bittern was at 11 o
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Today, in Cavan Woods, there were black-and-white warblers, northern waterthrush, black-throated green warblers, and great crested flycatchers. Today I also saw an American redstart. Location: Cavan Observer: Scott McKinlay
I saw an Opossum today dead on the road near the junction of County Road 10 and Highway 115. Location: Millbrook Observer: George Joncas
At dusk tonight, my wandering eye checked the feeders and what should appear comfortably perched in the big pine tree but a mother Black Bear and her little cub. She looked at me, 3 ft. away and quickly unfurled herself, slid down the trunk, and lumbered across the yard to Read more…
This morning I saw my first Chimney Swifts of the year (about six) flying above the intersection of Hunter and George in downtown Peterborough. Location: Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
Today I saw a Red-bellied Woodpecker on Geraldine Avenue in Peterborough. At the Trent Nature Area on the canal side, there were Spotted sandpiper (1), Fox sparrow (2), Palm warbler (5), Yellow-rumped warbler (10) and Pied-billed grebe (3). They were 15 feet away from me! Location: Peterborough and Trent Nature Read more…
At least two and possibly three American Bitterns and two Soras were very vocal at Millers Creek (7th line of Smith-Ennismore, 1 km east of Bridgenorth) this morning (5:45 to 6:15 a.m.). Also a single Virginia Rail was calling from the Lakefield Marsh at 7:15 a.m. A Warbling Vireo was Read more…
I saw an Eastern Kingbird this morning at the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary. There were also Palm warblers (3) Whip-poor- will (1 heard), House wren, (1) Winter wren (1), and a Ruby-throated Hummingbird (1). Location: Trent Wildlife Sanctuary Observer: Luke Berg
Today, there were two Northern Shovelers in the second pond of the Lakefield sewage lagoons, together with many of the regular ducks. There was no sign of the Barrow
We had a few new birds show up this morning in the yard; 2 male Baltimore Orioles, a White-crowned Sparrow in the brushpile, and a Yellow Warbler in lilacs. I mentioned in my last posting about the straggling American Tree Sparrows at my place. There was at least one still Read more…
At the Trent Nature Area on the canal side today, I saw Pied-billed grebe (2) – Green heron (2) doing courtship display – Yellow-rumped warbler (15) – Hooded Merganser (1) – Female Ring-necked pheasant (1) – Brown Thrasher (1) – Northern Mockingbird (1) – Caspian tern (2) two weeks now Read more…
Lakefield Sewage Lagoons – Bufflehead (55) – Ring-necked duck (11) – Common goldeneye (16) – Barrow’s goldeneye (1) – Lesser scaup (3) – Greater scaup (6) – Common loon (1) – Greater yellowlegs (1) Location: Lakefield Observer: Luke Berg
On April 25, my parents had a Rose-breasted Grosbeak at their bird feeder on University Rd.. Today, across the road from their house, they heard a male Ovenbird on territory. Location: University Road, Peterborough Observer: Peter Burke
On the rail trail north of Trent University yesterday, we had Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Northern Rough-winged Swallows, a single Bank Swallow. There were also heavy choruses of Chorus Frog, Spring Peeper, Wood Frog and Northern Leopard Frog. On our return to the parking lot on the north side of East Bank Read more…
This afternoon, I found a male BARROW’S GOLDENEYE at the Lakefield Sewage Ponds in Lakefield. The bird was swimming in the first pond (the one nearest the road) with Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Ring-necked Ducks and Lesser Scaup. To reach the Lakefield Sewage Ponds take Hwy 28 N (formerly Highway 134) Read more…
This morning my son and I observed a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker feeding in the large spruce tree in our front yard on Riverview Heights in the city
The Bloodroot in my garden was in full bloom today, along with Hepatica. Coltsfoot is in full bloom, too, along roadsides throughout the area. Location: Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman
A Red-bellied Woodpecker is coming to my feeder near Lasswade, east of Aplsey. Location: Lasswade (County Road 46 at Lasswade Road) Observer: Linda Fierheller
This morning, a Brown Thrasher foraged in the leaf litter in our garden. A few metres away, female Red-bellied Woodpecker fed on suet. This bird has be an irregular visitor to our feeders since Dec 17. Also present is a single Fox Sparrow, a dozen Pine Siskins, and five Purple Read more…