April 14, 2009

At Trent University Nature Area – Canal Side: Caspian Tern 2; Ring-necked Duck 2; Greater Scaup 2; Tree Swallow 25 At Trent University Nature Area – Parking Lot side: Eastern Bluebird 1 On Benson Avenue in Peterborough: Golden-crowned Kinglet 1 Location: Trent University, Peterborough Observer: Luke Berg

April 13, 2009

Common Mergansers and Ring Necked Ducks 100’s; Double-crested Cormorant 1; Great Blue Heron 1; Hooded Merganser 2; Greater Scaup; Lesser Scaup; Northern Flicker 2; Pileated Woodpecker 1; Bufflehead; Common Goldeneye Location: Serpent Mounds Provincial Park on Rice Lake Observer: Luke Berg

April 12, 2009

Winter finches are still coming to the feeder. Today, there were a half dozen or so Pine Siskins and one Common Redpoll. Two Fox Sparrows and several juncos were also present. On April 10, a female Purple Finch showed up briefly. Location: Maple Cres., Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

April 11, 2009

Green Winged Teal -3 female and 4 male; Bald Eagle 2; Wood Duck 12; Eastern Blue Bird 4; Mute Swan 2; Great Blue Heron 2; Northern Harrier 2; Turkey Vultures 7; Red Tail Hawk 5 Location: Near Ganaraska Rd. and Stone House Rd. Observer: Luke Berg

April 9, 2009

Today and Wednesday there were 3 Greater Yellowlegs on County Rd. 2 south of Bensfort in a very large flooded field on the east side of the road. Also there are still three Osprey hanging out together where County Rd. 2 turns west at the shore of Rice Lake. Two Read more…

April 9, 2009

A Barn Swallow was among a large group of Tree Swallows over the Otonabee south of Lakefield today. One Greater Yellowlegs was in the flooded field at Cty Rd 4 and Duoro 9th Line, also today. Location: Lakefield area Observer: Tony Bigg

April 8, 2009

This morning two Brown-headed Cowbirds appeared for the first time at our platform feeder on the Otonabee River south of Landsdowne street. A male American Goldfinch appeared in full breeding plumage for the first time just before lunch. On Tuesday evening, a female Red-winged Blackbird made an initial appearance. Location: Read more…

April 5, 2009

This afternoon at Serpent Mounds, on the north side of Rice Lake, we had several thousand Lesser Scaup and a few hundred Greater Scaup (Approximately 80-90% Lesser). We also had 300-400 American Wigeon although there may have been more (There were ducks as far as the eye could see and Read more…

April 5, 2009

This morning I saw my first Osprey flying over 6 Foot Bay Road and later another one at Gannon Narrows. “Our” single Common Loon has returned, but the pair that usually inhabits this area hasn’t turned up yet. Location: Buckhorn Observer: Toni Sinclair

April 2, 2009

This morning we had also had a Tree Swallow, checking out the usual swallow nesting box in our back yard. There is also a singing Eastern Bluebird in the neighborhood, an Eastern Phoebe showed up yesterday, and a couple Chorus Frogs started calling from the wetland here on the 7th Read more…

April 1, 2009

Today I saw several Rusty Blackbirds at the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary. This evening, I observed 12 Blue-spotted Salamanders and two Spotted Salamanders crossing the road on Camp’s Line near Birchview Road Location: Trent University and Stony Lake Observer: Luke Berg

April 1, 2009

Today , I observed my first Tree Swallows (5) of the year, calling in flight over the Avenues area of downtown Peterborough. There are Pine Siskins in song all over the downtown area, usually in yards with at least one, dense planted spruce. No doubt these birds are paired and Read more…

March 31, 2009

Cathy Darevic and I had our first Osprey of the year today. It was flying along the Otonabee in the vicinity of the East City baseball diamond nest of last year. Location: Peterborough Observer: Simon Dodsworth

March 30, 2009

Whilst doing an Earth Day walk in Lakefield on Saturday evening (March 28) our party came across a Leopard Frog hopping along the side of the road in Lakefield (9:10 pm). Earlier in the evening I heard several American Woodcocks around Trent. One was right at the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary Read more…

March 29, 2009

I only had time for a quick check this evening, but 1 Blue-spotted Salamander crossing the road near my house at 8:45 p.m. (~ 8 km west of Buckhorn) heading north towards the breeding pond. I didn’t see any Spotted Salamanders. I heard no frogs. Snow patches in the woods Read more…

March 29, 2009

The warm temperature (+5 C) and rain triggered some salamander migration this evening from a hardwood stand, across Mt. Julian – Viamede Road Road, to a known breeding pond (44.5789, -78.1482). At 8:40 pm I counted 28 Blue-spotted and five (yellow-) Spotted Salamanders crossing a 100 m stretch of the Read more…

March 28, 2009

At around 7:30 p.m., Simon Dodsworth, Rob Craig and I heard a few Spring Peepers and Wood Frogs calling from the wetland along University Road. A Great Horned Owl was also perched atop a dead tree in the marsh, too. Location: University Road, Peterborough Observer: Colin Jones

March 28, 2009

While cleaning up the backyard, I was visited by a flock of 25 or so waxwings. The sound seemed a bit off, so when I took a closer look I noticed about 10 of them were Bohemian Waxwings. They appeared to be feeding from the swollen Silver Maple buds. Location: Read more…

March 28, 2009

Today at approximately 5 p.m. I observed a Painted Turtle sunning himself on a log in the marsh at the end of North School Rd. in Young’s Point. (Note: temperature today reached at least 15 C. The snow has been almost entirely gone for almost two weeks, at least in Read more…

March 28, 2009

Today, we walked the dogs in Petroglyphs Provincial Park. Five singing male Pine Siskins were heard and after watching a pair for about 10 minutes the female was observed gathering and carrying nesting material to a nearly completed nest ~5-6m up in a 8-9m young White Spruce. Near the entrance Read more…

March 27, 2009

This morning at about 10:15 AM my dog Willow and I came face to face with a large Wild Turkey beside the third green at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club. It walked out of a cedar clump right in front of us. Willow was off leash and gave chase Read more…