birdbath with water dripping into it

birdbath with water dripping into it from plastic tube hidden in foliage

setup between hose and plastic tube

setup between hose and plastic tube

Yesterday, I set up a new birdbath in my backyard. Instead of using the pedestal,  I placed the bowl directly on the ground, partly beneath some cedars. I then installed a 1/4″ diameter plastic tube above the bath, hooking the tube up to my garden hose (using some parts I purchased at a plumbing supply store). I adjusted the flow so that the water slowly drips into the birdbath from the tube. I have seen this kind of setup before and know how amazing it is at attracting birds. For whatever reason, they are easily attracted to the sound of dripping water.

I didn’t have to wait long before the first visitors arrived. A group of three chickadees showed up first, followed by an American Goldfinch and then two migrants, a Chestnut-sided Warbler and a Nashville Warbler. I have never had warblers visit my regular birdbath, so I can only conclude that they found the dripping sound irresistible. On September 6, another Chestnut-sided showed up, as well as a Magnolia Warbler.

distance view of birdbath on ground (to left of regular birdbath)

distance view of birdbath on ground (to left of regular birdbath)

Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.