September 7, 2008

The cold front that came in this weekend has triggered a lot of migration. This morning, there were numerous migrants in our backyard including white-throated sparrows (eating Canada Elderberry fruit), Wilson’s Warblers, American Redstarts, Chestnut-sided Warblers and Red-eyed Vireo. Location: Read more…

August 29, 2008

While hiking across granite barrens in the Kawartha Highlands Signature Site, we observed a very striking, large bee fly, Lepidophora lepidocera – photo here: We also saw numerous Five-lined Skinks, and singles of Northern Red-bellied Snake (DOR), Eastern Garter Read more…

August 25, 2008

These last few weeks I’ve been noticing the exceptionally heavy cone crop on White Pines. Many shrubs, too, have abnormally abundant fruit. These include Choke Cherry, Tartarian Honeysuckle, dogwoods and blueberries. As for ornamental trees, European Mountain-Ash is showing a Read more…

August 25, 2008

We had about 30 Eastern Kingbirds at our place in Cavan Monday. I have never seen them in mass before. Beautiful to watch. (This would have been a migratory flock. D.M.) Location: Cavan Observer: Cheryl Covert

August 14, 2008

Recent observations include Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and Black-throated Blue warblers eating the berries on the Red-osier Dogwoods. Indigo Buntings on new growth along road. Several pairs nested this year and have done so for 4 or 5 years. Location: Stoney Lake Read more…

August 12, 2008

At about 10 p.m., a Northern True Katydid (Pterophylla camellifolia) could be heard in the vicinity of King and John Streets. Location: Avenues area of downtown Peterborough Observer: Don Sutherland

June 16, 2008

On Listowell Line in Ennismore today, I had an Upland Sandpiper ( always there ) and a Common Sipe sitting on the Hydro wires. Strange place for the snipe Location: Ennismore Observer: Randy Smith