March 14, 2008

I heard my first American Robin in full song this morning. There was also the most feeder activity in weeks – chickadees, both nuthatches, juncoes, house sparrows, mourning doves, cardinals, a downy woodpecker, and American goldfinches Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Read more…

March 14, 2008

This first day of mild weather (7 C) in along time also brought in some migrants. The first flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds arrived at the Kidd farm today. Location: Douro/Dummer; County Road 8 Observer: Bruce Kidd

March 14, 2008

Many Hooded Mergansers, Common Goldeneye, and Greater Scaup on the Lake today, along with 2 Buffleheads and 2 grebes (Pied-billed?) There were also crows carrying nesting material. Location: Little Lake Observer: Ken Rumble

March 8, 2008

A flock of at least 150 Bohemian Waxwings kept me entertained while I shovelled snow today. Many of them came down to feed on European Buckthorn in our yard. Location: Maple Crescent, Peterborough Observer: Drew Monkman

February 11, 2008

On this cold, winter day, thought I would mention that yesterday, Feb.11, we had the first Horned Lark of the year on the farm, picking around among the cattle. Location: Douro/Dummer; County Rd. 8 Observer: Bruce Kidd

February 5, 2008

Two Pileated Woodpeckers observed excavating dead maples on Milburn Street in Edmison Heights. One hole over two feet long and six inches or more wide. Large chips all over the snow. Location: Milburn Street Observer: Ron Fuller