April 20, 2013

This morning there was an adult male White-crowned Sparrow and an Adult male Yellow-rumped Warbler at my feeders along with about 10 Juncos, 3 Song Sparrows, and a Northern Flicker. Luke Location: Benson Ave., Peterborough Observer: Luke Berg

April 17, 2013

Hermit Thrush, Field Sparrow & Ruby-crowned Kinglet between Nassau Mills and Dafoe Dr., off trail, 7:30 am. Yellow-rumped Warbler (2), Ruby-crowned Kinglet (3), male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Ecology Park, noon. Now it is going to all come too fast. Location: Nassau Read more…

April 17, 2013

Walked the woods and along the bay off Thompson Creek (Scollard Drive area) this a.m. Saw 2 Caspian Terns, Bufflehead, Wood Ducks, Kingfisher, Osprey, TV’s, 1 RC Kinglet, 10 GC Kinglets, 1 Field Sparrow, 10 Song Sparrows, Junco, Hairy Woodpecker, Read more…

April 8, 2013

This evening there were over 200 Northern Leopard Frogs on University Road. Along Birchview Rd just north of Lakefield there where: Blue-spotted Salamander – 76, Yellow-spotted Salamander – 14, Wood Frog – 5, Spring Peeper – 30, Northern Leopard Frog Read more…

April 7, 2013

Eight intrepid folks, not intimidated by the ominous forecast, were rewarded by reasonable weather and a vanguard of early bird migrants for PFN’s 2013 inaugural edition of the Sunday morning wildlife walks. It being early spring, we stuck mostly with Read more…

April 7, 2013

On today’s Ontario Field Ornithologists trip the group saw a total of 61 species. We birded the Otonabee River, Lakefield Sewage Lagoons, the Nephton and Petroglyphs area, Burleigh Falls, Young’s Point Road, Orange Corners and Morton Line. Highlights included 15 Read more…