April 2, 2013

Gannon Narrows north of Ennismore had many ducks over the 2013 Easter weekend. In the late afternoon on 31 March, I checked the Narrows from two locations – the bridge (not recommended if significant traffic) and from the southernmost shore Read more…

April 2, 2013

Bob and I were visiting the Arboretum at The Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton, taking advantage of some fantastic warm spring weather. In a muddy patch at the edge of the Marsh Trail, we spotted Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) plants…lots Read more…

April 1, 2013

I birded from Trent U. to Lakefield today along the Otonabee River. Many ducks. Saw all 3 merganser species, large flocks of Bufflehead and Ring-necked Ducks, Scaup (Greater ?), Common Goldeneyes, Redhead, Northern Shoveler, Gadwall, Black Duck, Mallard, Pied-billed Grebe, Read more…

March 30, 2013

Lots of early spring migrants seen today, including turkey vulture, killdeer, horned lark, winter wren and wood duck. Last evening heard an American woodcock peenting in the field behind my house. Location: Bethany Observer: Kim Clark

March 27, 2013

Waterfowl on Little Lake this morning included several Redhead, American Wigeon, Gadwall, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup, Hooded and Common Merganser, Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead and Mallards, all in breeding plumage and activity finery. The merlin was also giving fluttery display flights. Read more…

March 26, 2013

Today on little lake, I saw hooded merganser, bufflehead, am. widgeon, common goldeneye, redhead, ring necked duck,greater scaup, and common merganser merlin. On March 29 at the zoo, I heard a merlin calling. When I spotted it high up in Read more…

March 22, 2013

Today I saw Hooded Merganzers, Ring-necked Ducks , Coot, Merlins, Common Mergansers, mallards, Canada Geese, Common Goldeneyes and Buffleheads in and around Little Lake Cemetery. Location: Little Lake Cemetery Observer: Ken Rumble

March 21, 2013

A great blue heron just flew by in this snowstorm. Poor thing..probably looking for open water. Buckhorn Lake.. Kawartha Hideway. JP Location: Kawartha Hideway, Buckhorn Lake Observer: Jane Philpott

March 18, 2013

It is good to have the birds returning. With the cooper’s hawk hanging around so much this winter, things were quiet at my feeders compared to other years. Yesterday there were 12 different species including 6 immature pine grosbeaks and Read more…

March 16, 2013

This morning we had two adult and one juvenile Trumpeter Swans at Gannon Narrows. They were swimming in the open water between the Gannon Narrows Bridge and Fothergill Island. Lots of ducks and geese as well. Location: Gannon’s Narrows Observer: Read more…