October 9, 2012

On the walk home this afternoon, I had 2 Swainson’s Thrushes near London St. bridge/ near Ross St. eating Common Buckthorn berries. Location: London Street Foot Bridge Observer: Sean Smith

October 9, 2012

White-throated, White-crowned and Song Sparrows continue to give feeble renditions of their songs-as do Ruby-crowned Kinglets. I think this is more adults experiencing similar daylight hours to early spring, aka reproductive (or testicular), recrudecence, as opposed to juveniles ‘practicing’ their Read more…

October 9, 2012

There were 3 Canvasbacks, 1 Ring-billed Duck, and a Lesser Scaup associating together on Little Lake this morning (Oct. 9th) off Beavermead Beach. A Pied-billed Grebe was nearby. I had 3 Blue headed Vireos this morning at Meadowvale Park, near Read more…

October 7, 2012

Today we had a Golden-crowned kinglet sitting on a window ledge. we also had one Eastern Towhee under our backyard feeder among the white-crowned and white-throated sparrows and house and purple finches. Location: McCrea Drive, Peterborough Observer: MItch Brownstein

October 7, 2012

Today I went to the Lakefield Sewage Lagoons and saw one Golden-crowned Kinglet, 10 Yellow-rumped warblers, 4 Redhead, 50 Greater scaup, 4 Ring-necked Ducks, 2 Wood Ducks, 4 Bufflehead, and 2 Bonaparte’s Gulls. Location: Lakefield Sewage Lagoons Observer: Luke Berg

October 5, 2012

Today, there were a Blue-headed Vireo and Nashville Warbler at Ecology Park, while a few Purple Finches continue at feeders there. A Monarch was still visiting wildflowers. Location: Ecology Park Observer: Sean Smith

October 2, 2012

On a drive around Chandos Lake today, the colours were magnificent. Especiallly impressive were the Red and Sugar Maples, along with wine-coloured White Ash. I would suspect that it will still be very good over Thanksgiving Weekend, esp. for Sugar Read more…

October 1, 2012

Between Meadowvale Park near TASS and Dunlop St. I observed single Nashville and Tennessee Warblers, FOS White-crowned Sparrow, a single Phoebe and a pr. of Wood Ducks. At Lock #20 Ashburnham at Roger’s Cove there was a screaming Merlin and Read more…

September 28, 2012

White Ash are at their colour height right now. Excellent display this year of all the hardwoods. Ashes just north of Parkhill Bridge over Jackson Creek quite beautiful. Location: Alll over Peterborough County Observer: Drew Monkman